you know what i find interesting?
almost every single person around trump atm could not stand him in the past.
rfkjr said he was a terrible president.
amber rose couldn’t stand trump a few years back.
even his running mate,
jd vance,
once said that trump was “america’s hitler”.
all of these folks have since changed their opinion.
That’s totally fine.
I don’t have to agree with it and neither do you.
i was very critical of kamala harris during her first campaign.
the difference between me and others is i’m not afraid to admit that.
i didn’t get it and didn’t get her but after researching,
i changed my stance as well.
the posts will continue to stay up as it reflected my opinion once upon a time.
xaviaer durousseau is a media personality who use to a democratic socialist.
in order to be jumped into that MAGA gang,
he went on fox news to prove his loyalty by dragging beyonce:
and called the hive “domestic terrorists” too.

the bravest thing he did was “drag beyonce on live tv”?????????how much was he paid?
there has to be a check involved here.
before he got on trump’s team tho,
one of the Foxholer’s brought me this…

He use to be a full and dedicated member of The Hive.
…but oof!
this is an “eek” moment.

he posted this on his IG too:
so my question is:
Why did he think that Beyonce deserved that?
because she chose to align herself with kamala harris?
what does her supporting the harris/walz campaign have to do with her and her album?
i’m confused with where the desperation comes from on kamala’s end as well?
Twitter update!
So many other A list stars are rallying behind Kamala.
Kamala doesn’t need to be desperate because she isn’t asking them.
what did new york say that one time?

he has since found a bond with another fellow MAGA,
amber rose:
in my head,
bey would respond:
“May their lives be filled with all the things they’ve earned!“

lowkey: i have so many questions about this.
another lowkey: this is his origin story of why he turned MAGA…
This might be the most random thing you read today, but Nicki Minaj’s feud with Cardi B is what sparked me to slowly become a Trump supporter in 2018—even as a Leftist liberal.
— Xaviaer DuRousseau (@XAVIAERD) May 12, 2023
I saw the way that the media created an organized attempt to tear down (1/4)
it was because of nicki and cardi,
This reeks of when Stacey Dash dissed Obama so profanely on Fox News, they actually fired her. She also called for the elimination of BET. Aunt Viv of “The Fresh Prince” (the original one) clapped back at her: “Somebody needs to slap the little bit of black she got on her off of her, okay?” she said. “Because girlfriend has worked on BET more than most actresses have. I think she’s just saying this kind of bull because she wants sensationalism.” After Trump left office, Stacey tried to regain her Black card but was rightfully denied. This dude (and Amber Rose) will try to grovel once Trump leaves again. As for the blonde hair, it’s been my personal experience that I can top any Black man with dyed blonde hair, a nose ring, or nipple rings–even when they’re DL.
I understand that this is my own personal bias, but I can’t get past his BLONDE hair. It speaks volumes more than his political ideologies.
So true, the blonde do, will not do.
This is a pick me move. A somebody give me a moment, please!!! Cry for attention. He is clearly delulu and throwing shade at Beyonce was literally the all the proof needed.
I hope the money was worth it. It’s giving hurt and looking for attention. “She ain’t no divaaa…!”
Exactly 💯. No one is listening to a blonde snow queen with bad breath and bad grammar.
People like him love attention. So he will say and do whatever it takes to get that attention.