kamala harris is coming in hot, hot, hot

Over the years,
one thing I’ve learned about a bully is when they’ve met their match,
they will do everything in their power to become invisible or run for the hills.

i knew trump wouldn’t debate kamala harris.
why would he?
2024 continues to be the year of “this was not on my bingo card“.
after kendrick obliterated drake in their rap beef,
we witnessed an underdog rise and conquer.
as much as i fux with drake’s music,
he has done some shit that made me side-eye him over the years.
i knew someone was gonna come at him but i didn’t think it would be killa kenny.
watching kendrick bring drake down a few pegs did something to us subconsciously.
it’s what we didn’t know the country needed tbh.
it was like it awakened us to fight back.
so many times,
we’ve seen people get coddled for their bad behavior.

Remember when you were treated like trash and your bully got coddled,
making you feel like the villain because everyone chose their side?

at a time when michelle obama said we needed to go high when folks went low,
we needed that kind of messaging but in 2024…

Continue reading “kamala harris is coming in hot, hot, hot”

i am always so baffled with the anti-gay folks who moan the loudest

13 inches and a military wolf at the RNC?
You already know he was sat and ate at many tables.

as you know,
or didn’t,
but the RNC allegedly had the biggest spike on grindr.

one of DL life’s biggest puzzles for me is…

Continue reading “i am always so baffled with the anti-gay folks who moan the loudest”

so apparently, spankbang is no more?

Can one of the Foxholers confirm the following for me,

so one of my straight wolves hit me up the other day in a panic.

“Did you know Spankbang is gone?????
I keep getting re-directed to LiveJasmine.”

i was like,

the Foxhole would have alerted me about that.
so when i went to go check

I still had access to it.

he continued to tell me that allegedly

Continue reading “so apparently, spankbang is no more?”

we created the musk monster tbh

So I guess he is baffled all of these white characters got re-made?
I only recognize Ariel.
Who are these other characters?????
I’m always confused with his confusion.

i don’t want to hear any more complaints about elon musk.

we all played a part in creating what he has become.
he flaunts his racism but we continue to use twitter.
many of us bark like dogs because his app,
unlike the other social media platforms,
lets us upload smut and indulge in our degenerate ways.
we can’t have it both ways but let’s be honest

Continue reading “we created the musk monster tbh”

do we care about the music after they drop the nudes?

i always font that the final card you can play in the attentionisto forest is an OF.
once that card hits the table,
it’s a wrap.
that is their new career along with a side of escorting.
that’s if they aren’t homophobic and dull.
i’ve noticed that many attentionistos think backwards.
they want to be like kim kardashian and how she came…
on the scene.
they think they can drop the nudes first and the fame comes after.
what they fail to realize is:

That is pretty much end game once the fantasy has been revealed.

let’s take this gorgeous but attentionisto hybrid

as an example for today’s font-versation…

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it’s the name of the game in these social media forests.
when any kind of drama hits,
it’s a goldmine for clout and clicks.
our presidential candidates?
they’re serving up content like it’s a buffet for this election.
they tried to take trump out,
and guess what?

Continue reading “MANY MEN WISH DEATH ‘PON TRUMP!”