What You Need To be Reading

so we are cool with that man in the oval office yesterday?

This has been the weirdest and wildest of timelines.

if the history books write about this,
and a strong “if” since they want to gut the department of education,
it is going to be a time that america was at its worst.

i have a ton of questions about the owner of X in the oval office.

the first one is…

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yarddie style has been giving it to me GOOD

I’ve had A LOT to font about Yarddie Style over the years.
Aside from loving that big backside of his…

my issue with him was his always been his stroke resume.
i have a confession to make…

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many white folks are still VEX at kendrick lamar for the super bowl

White America,
let’s font.

we’ve sat through your bruce springsteen anthems,
your queen ballads,
your ac/dc guitar solos,
your taylor swift eras,
and your madonna reinventions.

now i do like taylor and madonna.
we watched and we nodded.
we even did a two-step when the beat hit.

…but now,
because kendrick dared to give a performance with depth,
and black excellence,


There’s an issue?

fox news is in shambles,
per usual…

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“sorry i haven’t been a friend to you. i’ve been getting f*cked stupid.”

Have you ever noticed how some people treat friendships like a waiting room until their relationship is ready?

growing up,
i went through hell with jackals so i mastered the art of the swerve early.

to this day,
people are still salty i dropped them like a bad habit.

it was never about me being a bad friend or two faced.
it was about them and their fucked up behavior.
too-da-loo bitch.
you know what really grinds my gears tho?…

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montoya’s girl cannot keep this other dude’s penis outside of her

I’ve come to realize there is two sides in cheating.

there is the side where the jackal is a high key sex addict.
they can’t settle down because,
they are functioning street walkers.

They can’t contain the slut inside long enough.

on the other side on the cheating spectrum,
in my opinion…

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we need a lit political music era for 2025

I don’t think I’ve ever admitted how much of a lowkey Aretha Franklin stan I am.
I love her music and it has def gotten me through hard times.

when did music stop being a movement too?
back in the day,
black artists didn’t just entertain:

They educated
They protested
They pushed culture forward.

we needed to dance and escape,
but we also needed to feel seen and to be uplifted.
artists like…

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