13 inches and a military wolf at the RNC?
You already know he was sat and ate at many tables.
as you know,
or didn’t,
but the RNC allegedly had the biggest spike on grindr.

one of DL life’s biggest puzzles for me is…
Why do people who act like they hate gays always seem to draw attention to their own dirty secrets?
how many anti-gay politicians have been caught up that i’ve covered?
it’s not like keeping quiet would cost them anything.
the kids and marriages are all distractions from the truth.
the “straight” photo-ops on social media are for acceptance.
as many of us in the life have seen time and time again—
The “homophobe” who rages against all things gay and feminine,
but sneaks glances and gets all flirty when no one’s watching.
The “macho male” who despises anything remotely feminine,
only to play the submissive role in the dead of night,
letting someone else feminine take him on a ride via pound town.

What is it about the prostate,
the wetness of male mouth,
or the tightness of a Foxhole that really turns them out?
Hate over; life choices start being questioned?
Or even more hatred publicly but “more of what the gays been having” privately?
it’s baffling and leaves me with so many questions.
if you secretly enjoy male-on-male experiences,
why put on such a hateful front?
because when the truth comes out,
your past will surely come back to haunt you.
Wouldn’t it be smarter to just keep quiet and focus on your own secrets?
…or is this all a simpler way to understand what i’m missing?
lowkey: i keep thinking about all the males who loved to hate the loudest.
the way they looked at me when we were alone wasn’t of hatred…
…it was desire.
if i knew then what i know now…
It’s to give the appearance that if they go this hard against it, then they can’t possibly be into that. Think of it like this: there are some people who have such a passionate love/hate for something that they need to express it from the mountain tops. So for those who are trying to hide their actions, they feel like they need to align themselves against it publicly. That way people won’t even think that they could be doing it. While there are people who think it draws more attention, it will also garner defenders who will reject that and point to their loud actions as evidence against it.
With these people it is more about control. Plus if it’s too normal then it’s not exciting anymore.
Jamari, I think size 13 means shoe size as many gay men have a foot fetish….13 inches is VERY rare.