kendall washington has something to font about them big bunz leaking

I’m not even gonna hold you but he has some big bunz.

you can’t always tell when a male has nice cheeks when he is wearing pants.

kendall washington from love island fame is one of those types.

we fonted about him ( x and that tail of his ) the other day.

i never got the point of outing someone over something petty,
but outing someone you supposedly loved and trusted?

That’s next-level betrayal.

kendall addressed his outing on his IG stories

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kamala harris is coming in hot, hot, hot

Over the years,
one thing I’ve learned about a bully is when they’ve met their match,
they will do everything in their power to become invisible or run for the hills.

i knew trump wouldn’t debate kamala harris.
why would he?
2024 continues to be the year of “this was not on my bingo card“.
after kendrick obliterated drake in their rap beef,
we witnessed an underdog rise and conquer.
as much as i fux with drake’s music,
he has done some shit that made me side-eye him over the years.
i knew someone was gonna come at him but i didn’t think it would be killa kenny.
watching kendrick bring drake down a few pegs did something to us subconsciously.
it’s what we didn’t know the country needed tbh.
it was like it awakened us to fight back.
so many times,
we’ve seen people get coddled for their bad behavior.

Remember when you were treated like trash and your bully got coddled,
making you feel like the villain because everyone chose their side?

at a time when michelle obama said we needed to go high when folks went low,
we needed that kind of messaging but in 2024…

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you’re so good in bed, you can’t even keep a FWB? (eyebrow raise)

Let’s font about a statement like the above.

how many times has someone said/fonted this,
we get curious.
and it ends up being really mid?

i feel like when anyone makes a statement like this,
you gotta show TF up.
If not,
it’s giving a heavy:

after this drop that a Foxholer sent in…

i think the attentionisto who wrote that statement above might be a go….

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so i watched kamala harris first presidential rally and…

i’ve had my doubts about kamala harris in past entries.
she got on my nerves due to her past pandering.
they’ve all gotten my nerves because of that tbh.
i watched her speech yesterday in her first presidential rally…

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the joneses can’t wait to tell all your business when you’re broke

I had to wonder:
Have you ever wondered what happens when the pursuit of acceptance turns into a debt trap?

i’m learning to be glad i wasn’t accepted when i desperately wanted to be.
God was really looking out for me.
it left me with the ability to be transparent about the good and the bad.
others i know,
would probably die if their followers knew the truth about their lives.
they’ve created such a highlight reel that there’s no going back.
take brandon miller for example.

while his wife,
candice miller,
was vacationing in europe,
he deleted himself in the garage of their flaunted crib.

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sonya massey could have fared better with the prowler than the police

Have you updated your “in case of emergency” contacts in your phone?

if not,
i’m judging you heavy.

you know how it goes when election season rolls around.
out of nowhere,
black folks start dying and chaos begins to ensue.
the tragic death of sonya massey in illinois is just the beginning of the madness…

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