i think he wanted a twink with a lethal mouth as his first time with a male

Anytime I hear about curious males experimenting with other males,
it always makes me cringe tbh.

they say it’s not for them when clearly,
they chose the WRONG male to be their first.

for some,
the options are slim and the fear of getting caught is high.
so they get with someone with muscles or ultra-masculine

When they clearly needed someone who was more feminine,
little to no bawdy hair,
and the bawdy party they were looking for.

acting/cannibal jackal,
armie hammer,
made me think of this in his recent revelation
on his podcast.
he admitted he hopped on grindr to hook up with another male.

Continue reading “i think he wanted a twink with a lethal mouth as his first time with a male”

i am the F word who lives in the next block

i was on the phone with cousin hybrid for over two hours,
catching up on everything:

Life updates
The ins and outs of males who lurk on Rih’s social media

but somewhere towards the end,
we stumbled onto an unexpected “a-ha” moment about our childhood…

Continue reading “i am the F word who lives in the next block”

is timothy champagne flip flopping like a fish out of water?

Timothy Champagne likes to flip flop and not in the good way.

so i’ve never heard of timothy champagne up until today.
why does he look like jeffrey dahmer?
after careful investigation,
i see why he is so popular.

straight + gay for pay + hybrid = “the gays have made him rich

…but it seems like he actually had an alleged boyfriend.
so i got a drop from a F-BI about timothy and his recent flip flop scene...

Continue reading “is timothy champagne flip flopping like a fish out of water?”

shawn mendes is figuring out of he likes the gay secks or not

Shawn Mendes admitted recently he is still trying to figure his sexuality out.

i get it.
there was a point where i was in the prison of the struggle.
in a few ways,
i still struggle.

i think many gay folks forget what the stuggle was/is like.
before we became “yassified” and hungry little animals for cum,
there was a fearful place of “nah i’m good” to anything remotely gay.
i’ll never forget

Continue reading “shawn mendes is figuring out of he likes the gay secks or not”

tanksnlove says he only goes gay on OF because he is 100% straight IRL

I’m so glad he decided to start showing up again.
He was going through a rough path but sometimes,
we all do before we step back in our sexy.

Now if only we can get him to use Nair…

so i have a question for The Foxhole:

Do you think the point of OF is to disengage from being straight and go gay for money?
In order to be successful on OF,
you need to be like an actor and do a different role than what you do IRL?

a Foxholer sent me a conversation with tanksnlove and…

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the anti-gay republican who use to love his super-gay group sessions

We love hypocrites!
We love hypocrites!

we love a homophobic straight with a not-so-straight past.
it always makes me wonder:

What went down that’s got them so bitter now?

corey deangelis is the latest to get exposed.
he’s been on a mission to keep kids clueless by dismantling public education,
and of course,
he’s got trump’s stamp of approval.
i wonder if he’ll still have trump’s cosign with these alleged receipts

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