he has a big penis and he loves to beat (in more ways than one?)

That Scream mask might be a foreshadow.

so i wanted to font heavy about someone named israel.
israel checks all boxes of attentionisto:

...but unfortunately,
like most pineapples on rihanna’s internet,
he can’t just look good and show off that big juicy penis.

they gotta ruin it somehow and some way.
israel’s ex,
lightskin goddess,
had a lot of font and show about her alleged time with him.

brace yourself…

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holding it together with duct tape and prayer

How are you doing?

waits for you to font me how you are doing
i get it.
i totally get it.
we are living in strange times and every day,
we get a fresh headline of a new executive order or some other fuck shit.
you start thinking about your job security,
your future,
your past,
and that pesky question:

“How bad is it going to get?”

it’s making it’s way downtown and its walking fast.
i can font things will be fine but honestly:

I don’t know.
i truly don’t know.

here is the truth in full font.

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we have reached the fifth layer of hell (anger)

after the tom foolery that was yesterday,
i’ve been asking myself this for a while now:

God willing,
once this four-year nightmare is over and we somehow survive,
surely Americans will vote for someone who can undo this mess…

i hope this administration haunts us.
i hope it’s so unbearable that everyone races to the polls next election,
ready to make better choices.
after yesterday…

i had to wonder

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guys, we are ready for our new president’s gaza resorts and casinos?

Has the Foxhole watched Stranger Things?

for those who have,
omg yes!
for those haven’t,
omg what?

does anyone remember the end of season 2?
it ended with them in the gym for the school dance,
but as the camera panned,

it showed what was happening in the same gym in the upside down place.

The upside down place in Stranger Things is a dark and decayed mirror of the real world.

we are currently in the upside down place because everything is,
upside THEEEEEE fuck down.
nothing makes sense and i had to wonder:

Is this all a twisted alternate dimension where logic took a smoke break and is never coming back?

in morewtf is even happening anymore?news,
reality continues to sign us up for a reality we didn’t ask for.
our new president posted something about gaza into a resort today…

Continue reading “guys, we are ready for our new president’s gaza resorts and casinos?”

black women are the reason why so many black males are DL

excuse my french right quick.

In every chapter in my life,
there was always some stupid BITCH who loved weaponizing to my sexuality.

they could NEVER mind their business.
it was always someone i thought was cool.
they were so busy in my front yard but in their own backyards:

A) they didn’t realize their manz wanted to stuff my ass with his cream

B) their own manz was cheating on them HEAVY or didn’t even like them

C) no one outside of their clique of other stupid bitches liked them either

i had to get that off my fingers.

it has been sitting on my spirit for years.
it was always one defective hoe in the batch who was becoming like her mother.
they were evolving like a pokemon into the bitch mother they hated so much for being nosy.

so a discussion about how black vixens make every male DL.
“the neighborhood talk” posted it and i wanted to correct something…

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according to godfrey, two of our TV dads were cheating with males on our TV moms

When Aunt Patti allegedly outed Luther,
big and little “Loo-Fah”,
the black community was not having it.

say what you want about us,
but we CAN protect our unproblematic legends,
especially when it comes to their personal lives.
you see how fast we stood up to protect tevin campbell.
outing has always been a tricky game.
let a male be attractive,
and suddenly,
there’s a full-blown witch hunt into his sexuality.
straight jackals,
who claim to “hate that gay shit”,
sure do love spilling “that gay shit“.
enter comedian godfrey,
who decided to put not one but two beloved tv dads on blast…

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