tyrese says joe biden and kamala harris only protected asians and not black folks

We’re in the middle of a major misinformation crisis right now.

it’s got me thinking:

Do people even bother getting the full story anymore?

i mean,
how can we when one clip and a chorus of ‘me too’s‘ is all it takes to form an opinion?

google should be everyone’s bff,
just like it’s mine.

case in point: tyrese went off on joe biden and kamala harris for signing a hate bill,
but only for the asian community.

keith boykin swooped in to add to the discussion…

i love that he highlighted this too:

thank goodness for those who help us get our facts straight.
we would be fucked without them.

lowkey: there are moments i’ve found tyrese sexy and then he opened his mouth…

2 thoughts on “tyrese says joe biden and kamala harris only protected asians and not black folks

  1. It’s a bit confusing. The bill is actually called the COVID-19 hate crime bill, not the Asian hate crime bill, even though the crimes against Asians prompted the bill. The bill applies to everyone.

    Keith Boykin is providing great information. I really want to read his new book “Why Does Everything Have to Be About Race?” I appreciated his calling out of celebrities who are vocal on certain issues but silent when it comes to Republicans. He highlighted the asymmetrical argument that people on the right often get away with. It’s frustrating that Republicans, especially black Republicans, talk to the black community about family and personal responsibility but then disappear when negative events like lead pipes or police shootings occur.

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