he was feeling up that arm and i don’t blame that white man

it’s no secret that many white males love a big,
(in their) tail.

i mean,
we all do especially after a long and hard day.
this white wolf we all know looks like arms and biceps are his weakness.
what a coinky dink!
mine too!

i think he might have forgotten all lens are on him tho…

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so, uh, what about that presidential debate last night?!

last night,
we all watched a horror movie together.

we are watching and starring in it as well.

“Nightmare of the ’24 Presidential Election”

there’s no popcorn,
the seats are uncomfortable,
and the only way we can escape is leaving the country.
the two that we can’t escape from are biden and trump.
what we learned from last night’s debate is…

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billy porter shows us how to bow down and kiss the ring

billy porter sort of annoys me now.
he comes off fake and doesn’t come off effortless.
it’s like he’s trying too hard or something.
he went to the white house for their juneteenth event and…
he did something that got him trending in the worst way possible…

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joe biden and kamala harris might be one term andys

some of ya’ll really don’t like joe biden.
all that dancing in the forests when he won…
i’m glad i like to keep a level head before i get to celebrate someone,
especially a politician.
i was thrilled for him to dethrone the dictatorship that was the trump administration.
anyone who was running against trump was gonna be the underdog.
a recent poll was taken by usa today/suffolk about biden’s approval rating and…

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disinfect the white house with all the *dettol once trump leaves

*dettol is a disinfectant i grew up with in barbados.
shit is powerful.

that is what i said and my group chats said as well.
this transition from trump-to-biden was looking a little shifty,
but it seems that the end is finally near.
i was fully expecting to see chain locks on the white house doors.
it seems like the trump administration is finally admitting defeat

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joe biden needs our help and money in getting trump outta office

do people know to read the room?
i feel like they need to teach “room reading” in schools.
this week before thanksgiving in 2020 is a bleak one for many.
many of our thanksgivings are pretty much ruined.
i thought joe biden would know how to read a room better than trump.
he tweeted this and removed all doubt for me…

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