burned out in la: joie chavis and the cost of independence?

When i went to the Beyoncé concert two years ago,
it wasn’t because i scored a last-minute ticket or splurged my savings.
It was a gift from a rich Foxholer who knew how to make an impression.

he’s black,
and didn’t flinch when i mentioned the date or seat.
price be damned,” he said,
like a true wolf king.

this wasn’t his first time stepping up either.
he has popped up in the past when i’ve needed help and honestly,
he’s a rare breed.
most rich black males i’ve encountered just want to flex.
this is where i understand where joie chavis,
the professional breed machine to rappers and a baller wolf is kinda coming from.
after the la fires,
she is in a tight spot

…and after getting bred by these 3 rich black males,
she’s now bunking with her mom and repeating outfits.

she is saving to buy a house and seems to be paying her own rent.
i’m sorry,

she has claimed she doesn’t take a dime in child support from her three famous baby daddies.
that makes my head spin around in a circle.
she was trying to separate herself from the usual video vixen crowd but:

You’d think now would be the time to cash in those favors.

if i had three wealthy fathers to my kids,
they’d be making sure i was good after this emergency.

Not scrambling to rebuild my wardrobe and live with my mama.

this is crazy talk to me.

if you’ve got rich people in your orbit who aren’t upgrading your life or opening doors:

They’re not friends; they’re dead weight.

if you’re just a blow up doll,
working overtime for pennies while they flaunt their millions:

You’re not a muse; you’re just a pawn.

know your worth or someone else will put a discount tag on it.

lowkey: you would NEVER see a white actress in joie’s predicament.
these white vixens don’t play when it comes to their comfort.
you know the love a divorce lawyer that is a demon for collecting dollars.

2 thoughts on “burned out in la: joie chavis and the cost of independence?

  1. I’m going to have to agree with you at first glance and say that this sounds crazy. 
    I think the problem is that we have normalized baby mama/ baby daddy culture ever since Jerry Springer and Maury Povich became a thing. I empathize with Ms. Chavis and her wanting to be independent, but it’s like ”Girl, you’re missing the point”. Child support is supposed to be for the child and their best interest, it’s really not about you as the adult and now your children really need the money and the stability that it can provide. 
    Then as a side note, who are these “men”? How is your child experiencing this catastrophe and you do not step up to the point that Ms. Chavis doesn’t have to make a video like that? We worship at the altar of money, and we act like because you have it, it makes you somebody when in reality it doesn’t. A lot of these people are not wrapped too tight and are borderline weirdos. 

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