america is about to be great any day now (anyyyyy day now)

So when exactly is America supposed to be great again?

it’s four days in and it’s looking more like a sequel to chaos than anything remotely “great”.
with our new president diving headfirst into his rollback agenda,
undoing policies left and right,
i can’t help but wonder

Do the people who voted for this really understand what they signed up for?

was this just a spite vote?

the other candidate wasn’t “black enough”?
or her stance on palestine justified sitting out?

here’s is the interest part about all of this tho:

None of these rollbacks are helping anyone.
they disproportionately target black communities.
and as for Palestine?


now you know this new president didn’t and couldn’t care less.
i ask the Foxhole again:

Was this better than the alternative?

…because while the other candidate wasn’t perfect,
i highly doubt we’d be facing this level of chaos and pettiness.
as i’ve fonted before:

The new president and the straight OF grifters love the uneducated.

the rest of us are stuck suffering the fallout.
if history has taught us anything,
it’s that hardship breeds resilience.
our ancestors turned their struggles into legendary music,
tight-knit communities,
and movements that shook the world.
even the white folks were dragging george w bush:

maybe this mess will spark something equally powerful.
if not?

we might just be doomed.

lowkey: i love this picture…

1 thought on “america is about to be great any day now (anyyyyy day now)

  1. It’s all being documented! We haven’t seen nothing yet. This is not going to “End Well”.

    The Universe does not allow “Negative Energy” to go unbalanced.

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