we told you not to vote for an OF scammer

I’m starting to think our new president is similar to an OF scammer.

i’m starting to to think those who voted for him are not that bright either.
he did say he likes the uneducated.

so let’s use an OF scammer without fonting names


so many of ya’ll dun told these folks he is a scammer.
not only that but he is wild disrespectful.
the way he responds to his paying customers is trash.
those same folks will complain about all that he does but…

As soon as he flashes a butt cheek or a side of penis,
memories are wiped like Men in Black and they’re back to being interested.

so they sub and then once they see it’s a 3 second nothing burger,
they want to do even more complaining.
he’ll go in on “haters” but in reality:

He is the hater and he pretty much hates the people that pay his bills.

…but like the american people with hatred,
this ones community are driven by lust.
the hope that one day,
he’ll come through with the goods they want.

…but when he doesn’t because he won’t,
they’ll be under his elon’s swamp account going TF in,
only to get blocked because he is sort of an asshole.

while the rest that are intelligent with ya’ll lust are like:

“We told you so.”

…until he flashes another hope of a butt cheek and penis side shot.

…and i totally get it because he has a stupid fat tail and meat to match BUT…
we know it’s gonna be rinse,

and hurt feelings for another 4 years.

This legit represents everyone who voted for another term for the 45th president.

we’ll get into this shit show next…

lowkey: DM me when he shows him having sex.
we are tired of seeing his bawdy in every angle now.

let’s see the action.

3 thoughts on “we told you not to vote for an OF scammer

  1. Only starting to thinking they’re dumb? This man literally JUST said he can’t do anything about supermarket prices or inflation which Biden and Harris both said repeatedly but of course no one is talking about that. I’m checking out and focusing on me and mine. Everyone who voted for him and the rest of the MAGA crazies deserves everything that’s coming.

    1. You people are totally reaching to the highest parts of the sky! Just say that you’re mad that you’re candidates didn’t win the election. We’ve moved on while you are still butt hurt and mad this man lives rent free in your head let it go!!!

      1. You can’t really try to come for ppl when your grammar gives basic enough to be a Trump supporter. Ijs…

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