drake’s henchman thinks LA burning is kendrick’s karma

With henchman like this…

so drake starts a beef with kendrick lamar,
kendrick fires back with a dragging for the hip hop history books,
and drake continues to act like a sore loser

according to one of his henchmen,
the LA fires is karma
for kendrick?

wildfires that happens every year in california as the vehicle for karma?
let’s not even open the karma vault of drake’s own past drama.
it does beg the question:

Do we ever stop to realize when we’re the villains of our own stories?
What if the chaos is something we ignited from the jump?

when the tables turn and we lose,
get dragged and/or are publicly checked,
we’ll twist the narrative until we’re seen as the victim.
reading the room for many of us is optional.
instead of owning our mistakes and making a joke of it,
further removing the power it holds,
we enlist our henchmen to co-sign our bad decisions.

it’s interesting he moving like this but stood next to adin ross,
who is staunch supporter of the person trying to overtake his home country.
this is what he chose to get upset about:

here’s the real question:

Will one of Drake’s closest confidants pull him aside and tell him the truth?
Or are they all so loyal they’re ready to go down with the ship?

someone throw them a life raft.

lowkey: drake needs an ally like myself in his life.
i don’t care if he catches an attitude because he’d catch this honesty.
it seems he doesn’t have anyone in his life who will pull him to the side.
call me!

3 thoughts on “drake’s henchman thinks LA burning is kendrick’s karma

  1. Let it go Drake!! You’re true colors are showing, you’re going to have a hard time making, selling music if this keeps up.

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