be that mess, embrace that mess, and make sweet love to that mess

You ever felt depressed but because of society or whatever,
you forced yourself to be together when you didn’t feel like it?

“It’s okay to not be okay.”

the handsome one said that last night.
he was saying how he hasn’t been feeling his best.
between the LA fires,
everything happening in the news,
and Lord knows the idea of what the next four years looks like.
his honesty was refreshing.
this good looking wolf admitting he was not ok at his moment.
i’m going to go with a controversial hot take

Why don’t we stop forcing ourselves to be okay and just be a fucking mess?

in the privacy of our own homes,
it’s okay to be that mess.
it’s okay not want to do anything or be bothered.
why do we have to try to be the opposite of what we’re feeling?
for toxic positivity purposes?
God isn’t judging the fact we are just not mentally or emotionally together rn.
we choose to be available and on call for other people.
it’s absolutely okay to tell others we are taking a sabbatical from going outside.

if we want to be a mess for a few days,
or however long it takes
then it’s done.


with most things,
we will get bored and that is when we’ll want to do better.
something clicks inside or we gotta put fire to ass.

We’ll get TF up,
clean our homes,
take that shower,

hit the gym,
buy new clothes,
and be that muthafuckin’ BOSS again.

not only that,
that will be “the story
the story we tell of how we hit a rock bottom,

felt defeated,
but rose like a phoenix from the ashes.
america does love a comeback story.

So if we don’t feel okay then don’t.

once we accept to ourselves 110% we are feeling like shit,
allow our selves to feel free in that without harshly judging ourselves,
and stop comparing what we don’t have going on to other people’s stories,
the way through becomes much easier.

We can’t pour from empty cups.

lowkey: also,
don’t be afraid to cuss people TF out for nagging or judging.
remind them you didn’t judge them when they were A MESS in that toxic ass relationship.