The clock app might have run out of time.
it seems poetic,
doesn’t it?
the very platform that gave many influencers a voice,
and turned regular people into overnight sensations,
is allegedly going to stop ticking on sunday.
( x read about it here )

small businesses,
sexy males,
and content creators better grab their masterpieces before they vanish into the void.
here is what is so interesting to me…
The same president who everyone voted in with such joy,
is the one who lit the fuse on this ticking time bomb.
( x memory refresh )

he set the wheels in motion for this ban in 2020,
and while everyone cheered him on for this election,
they didn’t realize they were cutting off their own noses to spite their faces.
in a last-minute twist,
he is trying to play savior.
will he come in like the white knight to save tiktok at the nick of time?
only time will tell but it made me realize:
Many of our critical thinking skills are in need of new batteries.
it’s a shame we might have to learn the hard way if our so-called hero doesn’t swoop in for the save.
Will the great pumpkin pull off a last-minute miracle before the clock strikes 12 on Sunday?

either way Foxhole,
sunday is shaping up to be a real show stopper.
What I don’t understand is what is the actual argument for the app when it comes to TikTok? At first, it was stated as a freedom of speech argument, which I was all for. Then, as the ban approached, it became more of a money thing, as many creators were talking about how they were going to pay their bills. And for me, there comes the rub.
Believe it or not, Tasha K came up in a video where she was saying that the ban was not the end of the world because she could take her customer service skills and get a job tomorrow. The problem with a lot of these social media apps is that we are creating a generation of people who are unemployable; they have no idea of what it means to work a 9 to 5, punch a clock, or work in an office setting. Social media is all about being extreme in a lot of cases to get clicks and views so that you can make money.
At its heart, it becomes a labor issue. For society to function, we need people who actually labor; we need the firefighters, garbage men/women, nurses, doctors, teachers, cashiers, courtesy clerks, UPS workers, FEDEX workers, Post office employees, installers, and the list goes on and on. Nobody wants to labor, and the kick is we have content creators who have told the public that it is stupid to work a 9 to 5. I’m all for content creators getting paid for helping to grow a business, but we probably need to put in safeguards to disincentivize becoming one for the masses.