f*ck yo feelings.

Are we upset about what is happening?
Or is it about what we fear might happen next?

as you know,
today marks a new forest order.

it was one of those days where impeding doom hit like a freight train.
i was moody the entire weekend.

when i finally sat with myself,
the real question hit me…

Am i spiraling because of what the next four years might bring?

if life has taught me anything,
it’s that resilience isn’t optional.
when Mum passed,
and i found myself alone in a forest that felt more predator than protector,
i had to learn to survive and fast.
while everyone was expecting me to fail,
i fell back and learned to be a fox.
we’re living in the age of “protect your peace“,
but let’s be real:

It’s also the age of “adapt or get left behind.”

balance is the game and no one said it would be easy.
in moments like these,
i take inspiration where i can.
daddy pete buttigieg said something that struck a chord and made me rethink everything:

…and you know what?
i’m good now.
“we gon’ be aight:

our ancestors didn’t endure the unthinkable just so we could crumble under pressure.

Happy MLK Day.

let’s honor the fight by keeping ours alive.

lowkey: you know i love a game of thrones reference.
imagine you are sansa stark and you just saw your father’s head on a pike.
you are all alone in this world unfamiliar to you.
you have no allies atm but a shit ton of enemies.
the only reason you aren’t dead is because you are valuable off your name alone.
time to figure it out and quick.

1 thought on “f*ck yo feelings.

  1. I think you are absolutely right, and the next 4 years are going to be about protecting your peace, especially if you’re Black. The only problem is I need people to start acting like racism is serious and has serious consequences, especially when the violence surely comes. People feel emboldened, and it’s only a matter of time before these people start getting in other people’s faces and spaces to troll and provoke. Jim Crow was not just official policy, but violence was used to enforce and normalize that policy.

    Right now, I feel like everyone has reduced racism and all that comes with it to just individual feelings, but it’s so much more than that and I hate that people will be forced to find out the hard way.

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