did joffrey pull his mask off today?

The ruler of asocial media throne going full Joffrey Baratheon on us.

for those of us who remember the chaos of game of thrones,
king joffrey wasn’t just hated:

He was a masterclass in self-destruction.

from the moment he slipped on the crown,
his ego lit the match,

but the bridges he burned?
they were mostly within his own family.
fast forward to today,
and our very own x-twitter overlord is serving serious joffrey-esque energy.
did he do an alleged nazi salute at the inauguration?

it was a moment that would be so bold,
so “mask off“,
it left me wondering
if that is true:

Does our new president actually like this guy?

just like joffrey,
is his fate sealed by the very people propping him up?

this is what people don’t understand about making silent enemies.
the worst enemies you can make is within your own circle.
it feels like he’s being set up to be played like many before him.

Every ruler falls when the crowd stops cheering.

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