no porn in florida and no recording either?

Fontin’ of recording…

i still don’t understand why porn is ( x blocked down south ).
the reasoning makes no sense to me but sure,

florida is determined to be one of the worst states in the united states.
Florida Foxholers: do not record the police or first responders in florida.

You WILL be arrested if they catch that phone out.

i saw the following on reddit and…


so no porn and any crimes by the police against black folks,
you better be about 30 feet with a zoom lens.

Good job Floridians!

so what level of hell is that down there?

lowkey: they are already ( x dropping newborn babies in the dumpsters in texas ).
at least leave the baby on the steps of the hospital or fire house.

this is a better option than the damn trash.
good grief.

2 thoughts on “no porn in florida and no recording either?

  1. Damn, now I can’t see any previews from those gay adult sites. Thank god Myvidster and Boyfriendtv still running but I won’t be surprised if there next on the chopping block. Time to backup those old school favorites.

  2. I was through with Florida when they allowed Treyvon Martin to be ” Hunted Down”. Trump winning answered so many of my questions about this place and the country at large . He did make this place his home for a reason.

    [ I love NYC!!!!! They did not play with him.] LOL

    I could and never would live south of the Macon County Dixon line. I may visit but never allow them to take taxes from me. The mentality of those regions and how Blacks seem comfortable is alarming. [ Gorgia is the exception] They do have ATL and Metro Area.

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