did scoota brice go on a killing spree because he was DL?

Is Javonte Scoota Brice this the latest in DL hyenas going berserk?
or is this the fallback reason when hyenas kill vixens in the black community?

javonte scoota brice killed his mom,
and baby mama in tampa, florida.

he documented it all on you guessed it…

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the trans community are like mutants from the x-men

i know ya’ll hate jean grey but i have a soft spot for her.
she is a mutant who doesn’t understand her potential.
if this was real life,
she would be the person who finally became fed up.

Phoenix Force would be born and she decided to end everyone.

i know that isn’t the story of jean grey/dark phoenix but go with me.
florida republican (shocker!),
webster barnaby,
says that the trans community is like the x-men…

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“a muscular and naked angel dropped out the sky and starts walking towards your car…”

“you let him inside because he needed a ride and then…

You let him inside
If you catch my drift…

what would you do if you were driving around in florida,
minding your business and the road ahead,
and a naked male with ^that kind of bawdy was on the sidewalk?
in a fantasy perspective,
that is how most flixxx start.
in reality,
that is how folks end up being on the news like this jackal…

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what is happening in flordia?
nice beaches,
great weather,
sexy males,
and a shit ton of idiots.
to think,
i was supposed to live there.
my God said “NOPE”.
i feel like it’s an alternate dimension down there.
i see why bugs bunny decided to cut that shit off:

he was way ahead of his time.
florida doesn’t want ya’ll saying the word “gay” down there.
“don’t say gay” is the latest bill and desantis might be backing it…

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the mushrooms made him do it (the mushrooms made him kill, kill, kill…)

some of my friends have been trying coke as of late.
it has been confusing tf to me tbh,
but everyone does some experimental shit once or twice in their lives.
i’ve tried weed and was given horse tranqs when i was younger.
some folks have mental illnesses,
but once they take some hard shit,
it can bring the demons out of them.

Imagine getting high off a drug and murdering someone?

 that is what hyena did while high off mushrooms in florida

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piercing eyes, strong jawline, big biceps, and past tweets full of hate and homophobia?

you never know when you’re gonna make it.
we live in a forest where you’re “eh” today and on the newest “it” sensation tomorrow.
you never know when your breakthrough is coming.
it could literally be around the corner.
which is why i often wonder about those who take their own lives.
are they shown in the great beyond that their blessing was coming very soon?
i’ve seen ^him before.
his name is zay from miami, flordia.

he went viral off his looks alone and i could see why.
 guess what the forest dwellers allegedly uncovered about zay?

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