the fight on christmas about indians coming to take our jobs?

to their defense which is just for this entry,
they didn’t really want him to have all this say in the new president’s cabinet.

…even though the new president did say he was gonna have him doing something.
people don’t listen like they used to?
so i think the buyer’s remorse is starting to sink in.

the regret has started to penetrate even harder now.
if you put your ears to the wind,
you’ll hear loud complaints in the void or quite whispers of regrets.
some have even pulled the ultimate vanishing acts after being so extra.
so i thought the plan was to deport illegal immigrants and lock the border…

but according to the one who runs x yesterday,
it seems like he is all on board to bring in indian immigrants to do engineering jobs

and he retweeted this:

they’ll work longer and cost less.
so much for the american way of “pay me what i’m worth”.
shiddddddddddd we might not have certain jobs between ai and this anymore.
anytime you call a company these days,
there is an indian voice greeting you named “emily”,

and “keisha”.
in my head,
i think this is why they want to keep americans dumb AF.

x wikipedia is on the hit list next

what a mess this has become but we can’t say/font that everyone wasn’t warned.
this is the outcome

Grab some popcorn and let these hoes fight.

lowkey: ever since he was elected,
i haven’t heard a peep about efforts to end the war in gaza.

x Now they are worried

never forget tho.

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