so we are cool with that man in the oval office yesterday?

This has been the weirdest and wildest of timelines.

if the history books write about this,
and a strong “if” since they want to gut the department of education,
it is going to be a time that america was at its worst.

i have a ton of questions about the owner of X in the oval office.

the first one is…

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when civility shocks rihanna’s socal media

I’m confused about something.

exchanging pleasantries with his favorite frenemy and our new president,
at jimmy carter’s funeral.

it caused rihanna’s socials to promptly lose its collective mind.
in the age of the “pop off”,
where drama is currency,
it seems like everyone was expecting a knuckle sandwich served hot.

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i’ll take the united states of canada with a gulf of america special

I think this sequel is going to be a bomb.

our new president is back at it,
hungry for power and domination.

instead of building a wall to separate mexico from bad hombres
he put on his 2025 vision board a bold plan to redraw the map of north america

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the fight on christmas about indians coming to take our jobs?

to their defense which is just for this entry,
they didn’t really want him to have all this say in the new president’s cabinet.

…even though the new president did say he was gonna have him doing something.
people don’t listen like they used to?
so i think the buyer’s remorse is starting to sink in.

the regret has started to penetrate even harder now.
if you put your ears to the wind,
you’ll hear loud complaints in the void or quite whispers of regrets.
some have even pulled the ultimate vanishing acts after being so extra.
so i thought the plan was to deport illegal immigrants and lock the border…

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they might have gotten eggs on their faces

A price hike panic that felt more scrambled than than anything else.

it was interesting to me to see this discussion about the price of eggs.
when i went into the supermarket,
eggs were like 3 to 4 dollars on average.
i like mine “cage free” but during the Rona,
they were like 7 dollars at one point.
after rona,
my grocery bill as a whole became much more affordable.

Imagine my surprise when he started harping on grocery bills like they were sky-high.

this man dog-walked biden/harris for inflation,
built an entire campaign on “lowering costs”...

and now in his “time’s man of the year” interview via the hill

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robert griffin III wants us to all kiss and make up after the election results

Compliment: Ex-Baller Wolf,
Robert Griffin III.
looks much better now.

Someone finally told him his past hairstyle was not in style for his face.

Is RGIII channeling his inner kumbaya caped crusader,
but is anyone buying it?

dear america,
this is a safe space…

is how he started off his post on elon’s swamp.

in his tweet

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