I find being in-between _____ is where the juice is.
it’s where the soul is.
it’s where the passion lies.
this is why people crave to hear about being in-between _______ raw.
stop acting coy and open up.
i had a thought while being in-between ________ last night…
we see influencers and celebs living their best lives,
shouting it from the social rooftops,
and practically unable to shut TF up about it

What were their lives like in-between the fame and fortune?
The times when they were just underestimated nobodies.
The days they opened an empty fridge.
They stayed in because they couldn’t afford a night out.
The moments they cried out to God,
desperate for a break and a blessing.
The days they borrowed money just to get by,
with the weight of late bills and looming rent hanging over them.
isn’t that the part we really want to hear/read?
not about “we broke up again…“,
“vapid narcs lookin’ for a date“,
“the zeus fight club“,
and “look i travel!”
It’s like no one talks about what life was like in-between during their isolation.
it would probably help us relate with them more.
so many of us are out here struggling,
searching for a spark of hope in the chaos,
and trying to keep our heads above water.

life has gotten rough and it’s in sharing these in-between moments that we find our sanity.
Thank you to those who share what it is/was like in-between _____.
we needed it.
Sidebar: Paramore’s “After Laughter” is on my fav “in-between _____” albums list.
Hard Times,
Fake Happy,
Tell me How,
Caught In The Middle,
and Rose Colored Boy >>
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