if ima be a hoe, ima be a top dolla hoe like anora

I think we are no different than sex workers.

watching anora left me with a lot of thoughts…

i saw a vixen who was doing sex work as a means to an ends.
she thought she hit the jackpot when that rich wolf married her.
as the movie goes on,
you learn that it’s not what it seems.

dating in 2024 feels a lot like sex work.
many males don’t understand intimacy or love.
they don’t even know how kindness works.

We are literally street walking,
smiling and looking pretty in hopes of being chose for a good time,
hoping that if we suck his dick good enough that that he’ll stick around.

It doesn’t even have to be a real “get on your knees; dick sucking” either.
We be glazing a fuck pineapple to stick around because we have no other options.

as anora’s story unfolded,
it hit me how many of us live this reality.

the better we look and the more social media aura we apply,
it ups the chances of being chosen…

…to suck dick or get fucked.

Not to be confused date or get a ring put on it.

all we know is our worth is applied to our bawdy parts.
at least the 90s rap vixens was telling us to put a price on that currency.
you gotta put a down payment for this good pussy.
a wise rap vixen once said,
no money money;

no licky licky,
fuck the dicky dicky,
and your quickie.”

We are trading nudes and our worth for free,
that may or may not be a return in our emotional investment.

The actual sex workers are charging.

survival demands detachment and vulnerability feels like a luxury.
the most powerful moment in the movie wasn’t her resilience:

It was her breakdown.

we break down when we finally meet someone who likes for us.
someone who seems like they want to pay us in being a partner.
we cry the tears of trauma and abuse that have built up over years.

only when this person turns out to not be the one,
we are forced to go back to a cold life we thought we finally escaped from.

anora wasn’t just a film about a sex worker finding love for me.
it was realizing that we all trade pieces of ourselves to get by.
we play roles to make ourselves more desirable because we all want to escape.

We are all sex workers trying to find a means to an end.

all we want is to meet someone we can tolerate looking at,
that will rescue us from the life we are in now,
and we we won’t be like these other hoes.

Doing the same shit and hoping for different results.

i don’t know about you but i’m over being a tired hoe.
i want to be a better hoe.

lowkey: if anora was portrayed by a black vixen,
would it have hit the same and would it be nominated for awards?