so, uh, what about that presidential debate last night?!

last night,
we all watched a horror movie together.

we are watching and starring in it as well.

“Nightmare of the ’24 Presidential Election”

there’s no popcorn,
the seats are uncomfortable,
and the only way we can escape is leaving the country.
the two that we can’t escape from are biden and trump.
what we learned from last night’s debate is…

Biden is clearly older,
needed subtitles,
and moved like a zombie through the debates.
How he gets from point A to point B without help is beyond me.

not much younger,
is alert but the bigger protagonist between the two.
He is more menacing and uses his power of yapping to disarm his victims.
He teleports around the truth like he’s Jason Voorhies,
being everywhere and and nowhere every answer.

as biden did his best while waiting for the addy to kick in,
trump did his “trump thing”.
you know the 90% patronizing/10% nonsense spiel he is known for.

even so,
biden still seems the safer bet compared to the chaos of trump.
the wild part is:

People still flock to Trump in this sequel despite how it went the first time.

both are getting annihilated by the media but biden is getting it worse.
( x see one example here )
( x omg another and yikes! )

it makes me wonder about our next leader in this country.
the ghastly zombie vs the demon in orange.
we have these two who should probably be sitting down,
but trying to stand up for all of us.
both have very huge negatives that we can’t ignore.
why does it feel like impending doom is looming?
and how did we get here?

when it comes to the choice of who will save us in this real life horror

Why does it feel like both options are pretty much the unfortunate options?

lowkey: i’ve got a feeling if biden wins,
he’ll step down and kamala will take over.

4 thoughts on “so, uh, what about that presidential debate last night?!

  1. Biden is lightyears ahead of racist azz trump Id vote for wheelchair bound Jimmy Carter who has more sense than trump in one pinky finger

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