more people keep telling me that trump is winning over biden

my straight friend said to me the other day:

“I hope people realize that Trump is going to be president.
I really hope they aren’t thinking otherwise.”

as much as i wanted to throw my shoe at his head,
he isn’t the first person to say this to me.
gay and straight.
IRL or on the Foxhole.
everyone is starting to pick sides the faster we approach voting season.
i mean,
let’s be real

Biden and the Democrats have fucked up the country atm.

this out-of-control migrant situation has really been a shit show.
the fact that UN-documented migrants are getting more privileges than americans is so wild.
they are getting more money and access to various resources that americans had to suffer for.
you saw that one migrant jackal was teaching others how to scam the system on tiktok?


my favorite past time is when folks end up getting embarrassed standing behind nonsense.
the dems sure nuff ended up getting embarrassed with this debacle.

didn’t these same clowns asking us to let migrants stay in our homes?
on some “adopt a migrant family” shit?

you see this shit?
tf are they even talkin’ bout now squatters are fuckin’ people over?
come tf on now.

crime is out of control.
people don’t feel safe out here.
our wonderful asshole of a mayor in new yawk let this shit turn into gotham city.
i’m waiting for the news broadcast to see his ass tied up and held ransom by the joker.
the mentally ill are roaming the streets and losing their minds on innocent people.
our last mayor thought it was a brilliant idea to let drug addicts shoot up legally.
las time i went over to 125th,
it was fuckin’ zombie nation.

biden has also turned many people off how he is handling the war atm.
he has clearly picked a side and you know that is a touchy subject.
so he has fallen out of favor there.

trump and his team are gonna go after the black voters who are tired.
the pandering for the black vote is gonna be interesting.
i’m waiting for one of them to start rapping.

he has found quite the stan base in some of our black straights.

according to this article via ( x the intelligencer ):

“But Trumpā€™s apparent strength among Black voters is harder to rationalize ā€” and perhaps even to believe. As Emory University political scientist Alan Abramowitz explains at Larry Sabatoā€™s Crystal Ball, some skepticism toward the polls is in order, based on his comparison of six major national polls with recent election results:

On average, Donald Trump received 18% of the vote from Black voters who expressed a preference for either Trump or Biden in the six national polls. If that result were to hold up in November, it would represent by far the highest level of Black support for a Republican presidential candidate in the past 60 years ā€¦ No GOP candidate since Richard Nixon in 1960 has won more than 13% of the Black vote with only Nixon in 1972 and George W. Bush in 2004 topping 10%. The average level of Black support for Republican presidential candidates in the 10 elections between 1984 and 2020 was just under 6%.”

personally fonting:

I think they are both fuckin’ terrible.
It is a lose-lose situation on all fronts.
It’s our fault and we need to live with whatever decision is made in the fall.

one of the Foxholers had the same sentiment.
they said that we are gonna have to wait until the next election for a fresh slate.
we will have to do a hard reset to fix whatever mess follows ’24.
so whoever we get as president,
we’ll have to deal with them until ’28.
we can talk and font shit about those two all day but i have to ask…

When are we gonna start taking accountability for our parts in the messes that have been created?

…because at the end of the day,
we have allowed the villains and the mentally ill to be the leaders.
so let’s take our Ls and figure out how to do better for next time.

lowkey: i keep saying and fonting that we need more millennial or gen x presidential candidates.
i’m bout tired of these boomers.

24 thoughts on “more people keep telling me that trump is winning over biden

  1. Yā€™all need to stop with all this Jamari bashing, this is a needed conversation that we need to have. Whether we like it or not the media is trying to push this narrative that black people are headed to Trump, I think this is incorrect but we have to be willing to confront this and push back.

    Personally, I think Biden will win the 2024 election. If people came together to vote for Biden in 2020 vs. Trump, I donā€™t see whatā€™s vastly different that would have people running back to Trump in 2024. A lot of people in my opinion are just grandstanding but once the adults enter back into the room, Biden wins again.

    So let’s address some of the issues, immigration is a problem, and as someone who has traveled across this nation for years, I can say anecdotally that both Republicans and Democrats are responsible for the problem. Both parties have turned a blind eye to this problem. When I was traveling through Texas almost 18 years ago, under a Republican President under a Republican governor in a much redder state than it is today, I saw firsthand how border patrol turned a blind eye and let entire families of illegal or undocumented migrants pass through checkpoints. Then years later chicken plants were raided in the south and found out that all the workers were undocumented migrants.

    Crime. The reality is crime is down nationwide in the United States. Olayemi gave a masterclass on the ā€œ Breakfast Clubā€ when she tore into New York mayor Eric Adams.

    I think at some point we need to talk about the elephant in the room when it comes to black people and what they have in common with conservatives of today, which is sexuality and the gender wars. Outside of that, I agree with Jason.

    1. Olayemi was going for Adams’ throat! You catch how they brought her on for an interview about NYC’s inevitably blue political landscape, but when Candace Owens came on they treated her w all of the kid gloves and didn’t even bother to have someone w a clue there to actually ask her questions remotely as heavy as her serial gross ass statements?! She comes to the blk show and all of a sudden she’s passionate about blk men in Hollywood wearing dresses. I stopped watching TBC (aside from big interviews) years ago and stuff like that is exactly why. TBC needs to stand for The Bumbling Idiots Club.

      But that ties into the fake ‘conservatism’ of blk ppl. You have Bible thumpers and regla blacks as the massive clubs, and both are all based around group think. Bible thumpers are only that extreme because of their desire to fit into what the ppl around them do in the church. The regla blks are doing the same thing, avoiding doing things that ppl will side eye them for, ‘around the way’ (their church). The fact that in neither of these spaces are wedlock babies, or said babies’ and their fathers not even knowing each other enough to be looked down upon by the group shows you that fake blk conservatives are only conservative against ppl who ID as ‘other’ and unconfined to the groupthink.

  2. Also, why tf would a ‘migrant influencer’ (whatever tf that even means) voluntarily give out info that jeopardizes his own supposed hustle? The NY Post is a conservative agenda pusher. Insert random, dirt poor lady in West Virgina sharing ‘the news’ w her neighbor in 3, 2,….

  3. Jamari, please find a way to better engage your readers so you donā€™t have to resort to posts like this to boost engagement. If this was posted in earnest, I challenge you to spend a week doing a deep dive into the issues at play, as well as the records and histories of both candidates. That way, your posts can reflect that you have a basic command of the facts.

    Overblowing the migrant crisis, equating Trump to Biden, exaggerating Trumpā€™s appeal to the Blacks, giving uninformed election predictions, and ignoring the actual records of both candidates makes you look foolish and unprincipled, Jamari. Please do better.

    To other commenters, I suggest taking a critical thinking class so that you can start to build those skills. It will help you to avoid making foolish, irrational decisions (e.g. voting third party in this election, abstaining from voting, voting for obvious racists, etc.).

  4. Oh Jamari! You might lose a PAID subscriber over this foolishness’. I expected better and am very disappointed in this ludicrious take. There is only one terrible one and that’s the man that wants to end democracy.

  5. This is probably why only the live hard fans still come to this blog. It is disappointing that Candace Owen’s is ghostwriter for Jamari. From scatology: The Toilet Chronicles to the gay Nellie Bly, undercover right-wing journalist.

  6. There are a couple of things I want to say…

    I’m not voting for Biden or Trump! I’ll either be voting third-party or not vote at all. And to all the people who say “voting third-party is throwing away your vote,” if I HAVE TO vote for rcist white man #1 or rcist white man #2 in order for my vote to “count”…then do we actually living in a representative democracy?
    While I can write a whole dissertation on this migrant crisis, I’ll ask this: Is it fair to legal immigrants who waited the better half of a decade to APPLY for citizenship to see other immigrants can come to this country illegally, receive hand-outs that aren’t given to them let alone U.S. citizens, and essentially skip the line and receive a fast-track to citizenship?
    The Biden Administration is hands-down the worst administration in my 30 years of living. I pray that this man doesn’t get another four years and that more black people (and people in general) consider alternative options at the federal, state and local level this upcoming election.

    1. ‘Wasted vote’ is only a statement because it’s currently true. Of course more options would be better, but that takes a long time in a country that has been run by a 2 party system since damn near forever. The 3rd n 7th parties cant play ball if they only start talking to the masses during election years.

      The Biden administration has been a mess too, but it’s easy to see ‘life sucks’ when we are literally still dealing w the effects of an administration inheriting the country as the literal world fell apart due to covid. If ‘the other guy’ who told us to ‘drink a little bleach’, and closed the borders to China, while keeping all of the other borders open for all of that international business travel republicanomics survives on, is who you think will ‘make America great again’, that’s all you.

      Just remember, when uninformed ppl love to talk about how much ‘better’ they had it under the Trump admin, while casually glossing over that little thing called covid that literally ruined and ended quite a few lives, a big part of that was federal unemployment. In addition to state unemployment, ev1 got an extra 600/wk for a few months. Yes, the man in W. Virginia who made 9.50/hr got the same as the NYC woman who made 22.00/hr.

      That Trump Republicanomics Corporation Administration was sooo out of touch w everyday, working class ppl that they didn’t realize that the extra 600/wk alone was waaay more than the majority of filers were ever earning. So once they realized that they were paying a livble wage they canned it. Then they pushed the ‘no one wants to work’ bs, right in time to make it seem as if every industry is trying to go A.I. because Americans (as if anyone besides rich Republicans have a choice) don’t want to work, and not because A.I. don’t need to be paid.

      Self check out and zelle are not for our convenience.

  7. Not my comment pointing out how republicanomics doesn’t benefit anyone other than the wealthy being blocked. This might as well be youtube if we’re flagging intelligent comments.

    1. Oh ok. Cus I was bout to tell Jamari to meet me after school so we could handle this lol

  8. Don’t believe the hype. Remember that most of the cities where migrants have been sent are gonna vote blue until hell becomes a resort. Meanwhile republicanomics (yes, Republicans push for the country to be run like a corporation) hence, why they’re anti EVERYTHING that benefits the common man and instead stand on fear mongering and trying to keep (literal) poor idiots (most of the country) from realizing that they’re functionally poor so that they can distract the lady in West Virgina by convincing her that migrants all the way in NY fkn City are stealing her resources.

    Republicans do not benefit the masses, but as long as Trump comes on tv and tells idiots in ‘middle America’ that he has bibles for sale (because, of course he’s a Christian who doesn’t say ‘grab em by the pussy’) and that the city slickers are trying to ruin your good old fashioned America by ‘encouraging’ everyone to be ‘a trans’ and paying for their surgeries at 6 yrs old, and ending your ‘values’, these ppl who ain’t never met anybody who lives outside of ‘middle America’ fall for the ‘I ain’t never left my damn town’ okey-doke.

    How TF is a nepo baby who owned a bunch of million dollar casinos full of illegal Mexicans running the housekeeping passionate about border control?!

    Don’t believe the hype. Trump has nothing for you. I don’t wana hear ish when those blk Trump idiots realize that DEI and Abortion rights being taken away directly affect them. WTF is dumb enough to vote for a party that takes away Affirmative Action and fukn abortion rights?!?

    But that’s Republicanomics 101. Get the idiots who are idiotic enough to vote against their own benefits without realizing it.

    1. Brilliantly stated! FACTS!
      I felt like Candace Owens šŸ¦Š was guest blogger. Jamari got his Republican talking points all lined up: including fuck boy with dreadlocks with that late ass bullshit he pushing.

  9. A lot of y’all are so misinformed it’s not even worth explaining anything to you. Biden 2024

    1. They really are misinformed. I have no idea what happened to Jamari after COVID-19, but something clearly happened where he decided to mimic theshaderoom comment section. It’s clear where Jamari is getting his misinformation. And it’s sad that some folks are so “Woke” but controlled by the information system they digest. Crime (including in NYC) is at a four year low. All you have to do is go to the crime statistics and see for yourself, but instead, you choose to puppet right-wing lies and propaganda that make people feel unsafe. Next, Biden and the Democrats put forth strict border laws, but republicans refused to vote on them because Trump told them not to because it would make Biden look good. Again, if Jamari did his research, he would know this, but I digress. Second, to see people of color parrot white supremacists’ talking points on migrants is just sad. Of course, there are bad apples and those who take advantage of the system, but to paint all migrants like that is wrong, just like stereotyping all gay people or all black men. I expect Jamari to know better, but it seems this page is a lost cause. And the cherry on top is that Jamari isn’t even a US citizen and can’t vote in American elections. Biden/Harris 2024

  10. This is the most ill-informed and dumbest take imaginable and why civics needs to be taught in schools once again. Republicans create the problem, refuse to help Democrats solve the problem then say ā€œsee they started this problemā€. Funny how you donā€™t mention that Republican governors were literally charting undocumented immigrants to blue states/cities; why ignore how they were working on a comprehensive immigration bill that Trump purposely shut down because he wanted to run on the issue in the fall. Letā€™s talk about republicans actively working to undermine people of color, starve them and regulate individual rights. Either actually do the research or kindly not speak on the subject.

    1. Stop it!!! The democrats are the ones that pushed for illegal immigrants to cross the border, breaking the law. We live in a country with laws and rules and they need to be followed. When black people break the law or do a crime, they separate us from our family and lock us up. But the illegal immigrants they get free money, housing and special treatment. See the forest for the tree Mr. Lee!

      1. Smh is all I can say. I donā€™t know if youā€™re following a trend of urban blogs posting garbage for clicks and views or youā€™re just reckless peddling misinformed garbage. Either I need you to do better

        1. Disappointed
          Maybe Jamari is preparing the resume for Trump FCC Commissioner. I think Jamari is a great guy, but this is a scary article. Especially the video of the guy with asshole lips and dreads with the ghost shit breath I can smell from the screen. I guess this is Tim Scott, Lindsey Graham appreciation week

    2. It seems like to me you’re triggered could you be Trump derangement syndrome??? I don’t agree with everything Jamari says on his blog in terms of his political leanings or perceived political leanings but clearly you decided to ignore what the post was actually about so I strongly suggest that you actually re-read what the whole post was about. Whether you democrat, republican or independent were all seeing what’s going on under this administration so get outta your feelings and wake the eff the up. Trump 2024šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ‘šŸŽ‰

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