if the beef ain’t going in my mouth then you can forget it

i’m going to font something that is probably going to get me highly judged.
at this point,
judge if you must but

Am I the only one who doesn’t care about Kendrick vs Drake?

i haven’t listened to one song and i ignore anyone who talks/fonts about it.
it all seems corny and fake to me but realistically Foxhole:

I’m out of beef.

the only beef i want is in my mouth,
attached to wolf with a bawdy like this:

have you noticed that EVERYONE is full of beef nowadays?

Glorilla vs JT and Glorilla vs Damien Lillard’s ex-wife
The rap vixens vs other rap vixens
Nicki vs Ice Spice (I should have placed bets on this ending miserably)

Nicki vs everyone
Drake vs everyone
90s kids nostalgia vs the filth that was happening BTS at Nickolodeon
The truth vs reality
Sex worker #81673813 v Sex worker #2836218
Pro Palestine vs Pro Israel
2 wars currently happening atm
People on the streets going off over the slightest shit

Our right minds vs our mental health issues vs other people’s mental health issues
Dems vs Rethugs
Biden vs Trump vs all their stans within their bizarre para-social world

…and not to mention our own beef with bills,
the housing market,
trying to form a retirement plan as a millennial,
and the Universe.

I’m exhausted and not interested.

so again,
if you’re not coming in the form of this:

ya’ll could have told me that george was packing some beef.

i’ll be going vegan for a while.

lowkey: can we reset back to when it was good and stable times again?
i feel that was around early 00s.

4 thoughts on “if the beef ain’t going in my mouth then you can forget it

  1. It’s weird, I feel like we are living in “Ghostbusters 2” and we’re all fighting Vigo the master of evil, and his pink slime, everyone is just so hostile for no apparent reason. Just like with Diddy, I’ve totally tuned out this whole Kendrick vs. Drake beef. What’s crazy is how people who are far older than me are so enamored with it, you have 45, 50, and 60-year-old people hanging on every word because it reminds them of the “Golden age” of Hip-Hop. 

    I’m sorry but when Nas was battling Jay Z, or Pac vs. Biggie, Queen Latifah, Nelly, etc, they were all in their early to late 20’s, not damn near 40 like Drake vs. Kendrick and the entourages involved. Also what’s crazy is how everyone has amnesia all of a sudden; how quickly does everyone forget how these beefs can turn violent and even deadly in some cases, it has me scratching my head saying “ Really though”.

    After George Floyd I thought we were on some “ I’m a black man, I lift up I don’t tear down”, to now be rooting for chaos and anarchy in the community is just crazy to me.

  2. Nope. Same here. Drake isn’t a battle rapper; Kendrick is obviously expected to win.

    1. I will say tho, that Kendrick ‘Not Like Us’ is hittin! Sitting up discussing the tennis match is a no for me tho.

  3. You’re not alone, my friend. The first round was like “ok, this is what rappers do” 🙄

    The subsequent rounds have me saying “2 grown, wealthy black men have nothing better to put into the world than negative energy tracks?” The NEED to get the last word is so…

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