The Confused Sagger.
wolves “be knowing” they have big tails.
if you have a keen eye for detail,
it’s usually the bawdy part they show off the most.
they either sag or wear pants that purposely fit too tight.
the moment that another male compliments their best assets,
they have a bitch fit when they can’t control the narrative.
…but when are we gonna start telling them THEY ARE WITH THAT GAY SHIT?
that “gay shit” is the reason they are even on the radar in the first place.
a Foxholer sent me the following video of a sagger gone “looked at wrong”.
he expresses his dismay over the male gaze on his “peek a boo” butt cheeks….

hope this is a joke?
this has to be content farming.
i love how he is upset about this but still bragging about himself.
“I’m fine,
I’m a 220 pound,
light skinned-ed,
6’1 man of steel who was sagging because I got big ol butt cheeks,
in the Gap of all places,
and I’M UPSET that another male stared at me.”

it’s giving,
“it made me feel sexy but i shouldn’t like how i’m feeling because i’m the man!“
i bet you he doesn’t feel any kind of way,
or who they come from,
when them likes on IG go over 1k tho.
i’ve learned something about these types.
their fur gets all ruffled until you hit them with the curve.
“I’m sorry but you’re not masculine enough for me.”
this really gets them upset and makes them feel like a bitch.
you don’t think i’m God’s gift to everyone?”
not at all.
it’s like a dagger to their narc hearts because even if they were gay/bi,
they’d be legit getting bent over because they don’t have big dicks.
you gotta deflate that ego and let them know even as another male:
“You are not man enough for me.”
…because a real masculine male who is sure of himself would have looked at it differently.
its crazy because the types to go on socials and complain are usually the bitchiest,
the sassiest,
and the same vixens do the most complaining:
These muthafuckas don’t even make them cum.
lowkey: that wolf is cute but he def ain’t masculine enough for me.
i want my manz proud both males and vixens think he is hot.
not too proud that i gotta deflate that ego tho.
Jamari, you nailed it with your commentary. This guy was doing way too much.
His behavior is pure narcissism. Who is still sagging on purpose in today’s world without realizing that it’s a blatant form of self-advertisement? What’s even more absurd is that the so-called “gay dude” didn’t even come for him in an inappropriate way.
The concepts of manhood and masculinity are really messing with people in this new era, and they seem lost on how to handle it. I’m not one to impose a specific sexuality on anyone, but this guy is out here openly stating he’s 6’1″, 200lbs, and “a man of steel,” all while acknowledging that he sags intentionally—then, at the end of the video, casually admitting that maybe he should stop. The whole thing is confusing and contradictory.
Bless his heart
sorry jamari my comment didn’t seem to show up initially so I hope it didn’t come off like spamming ._.
I’m mcorey88 btw 🌌🌫🪽
hey jamari hope ur doing well m’dear; been a while since i lasted commented. saysotv on youtube has several videos on this subject; he even did a vid on this guy lol. he’s an openly bi masc brother. very proud of him; he used to be dl so he has A LOT of life experience about women, dl guys, and the black gay community in general. 10/10 would recommend his vids.
it’s about time we had more masc representation out here; us more feminine guys been holding up to the community on our own for too long now. let the masc ones carry their load too.
i’m also reading some iyanla books atm; trust is the main one.
trust in ourselves
trust in god
trust in others
trust in life
10/10 would recommend for spiritual growth
also daily books by iyanla vanzant like until today and act of faith. both books have 365 messages for everyday of the year to inspire and help us focus on our lives in a positive way. i have all them books on my google playbooks. i hope they may help you as well in your own spiritual journey.
p.s. im very proud of you jamari; you’re one of very few black gay blogs still around online and u really been holding it down for our community for 10-15 years now. just know that there are so many people who love you and are inspired by you. never give up and keep going, because your path is all your own. follow the great spirit/orgin/creator’s path made out just for you and don’t be afraid to trust; im learning to trust fully myself in god again, so you are not alone on that journey.
^thank you for the kind words!
i appreciate you and all that you said.
i’m humbled by all that you fonted and so grateful.
continue to be well and may your own journey be blessed with safety during these current times.
I bet he looks in the mirror constantly, too self absorbed for me. One of my vixen friends is always telling me that’s she’s something to look at, no matter who’s looking. I guess he had to post something.