i sagged my jeans and a gay male had me feelin like a b!tch

The Confused Sagger.

wolves “be knowing” they have big tails.
if you have a keen eye for detail,
it’s usually the bawdy part they show off the most.
they either sag or wear pants that purposely fit too tight.
the moment that another male compliments their best assets,
they have a bitch fit when they can’t control the narrative.



…but when are we gonna start telling them THEY ARE WITH THAT GAY SHIT?
that “gay shit” is the reason they are even on the radar in the first place.
a Foxholer sent me the following video of a sagger gone “looked at wrong”.
he expresses his dismay over the male gaze on his “peek a boo” butt cheeks….

Continue reading “i sagged my jeans and a gay male had me feelin like a b!tch”

the streets say harrison butker had a super secret gay past in college???

Please advise?

when i was sent the commencement speech of nfl baller jackal for the chiefs,
harrison butker,
i thought it was the most unhinged thing i have ever heard.

He decided to tell the female graduates they were lied to by getting degrees…
and should be home making pies while being barefoot and pregnant.


they clapped hard after he said that too.

the wild part his mother ( x has a degree ) so my ears are raised.
i’m already thinking this villain arc started with his parents.
there is always a source where the demon was born.
so is it so he could run the forests and have all alleged secret gay secks?
harrison has a past that is being exposed on tiktok
by a former classmate…

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the bb sub, his dom daddy, and the kind of sh*t they’re into

i have said before that i’m open to dating white wolves.
they aren’t my first choice but if i met one who looked like this:


without the drinking and shenanigans,
i’ll be off the market.
a foxholer sent me two images of bbredhawk.
he is a sub who has two dom daddies.
you’re probably like,
this is what he is into…

Continue reading “the bb sub, his dom daddy, and the kind of sh*t they’re into”

raz b wants to seduce you in maga and mega man boots

raz b got dealt a bad hand.
this industry chewed him up and spit him out.
because of this,
i feel like he suffers from severe mental illness.
it entertains and keeps his name in the digital papers.
the foxhole flooded my box with this recent video raz posted on ig

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people want to f*ck dahmer after this netflix show

acting wolf,
evan peters,
is one of ryan murphy’s favs.
he is in many of ryan murphy’s productions.
i learned evan has a nice ass due to ryan’s productions too.
evan is pretty handsome and is a really good actor.
jeffrey dahmer was a demon hyena sent from the pits of hell.
it seems people are confusing the actor from the demon because…

Continue reading “people want to f*ck dahmer after this netflix show”

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