am i the only one who finds sam smith so unappealing these days?
i don’t have an issue with them expressing themselves but…
I hate how they chooses to express themselves in this era.
is azealia banks is the broken clock that is right twice a day?
she said this in her ig stories…
its like they are trying to be lady gaga meets madonna in her erotica era.
it doesn’t come off fly or even sexy.
it comes off as trashy and sloppy.
this might be their nasty pig gay sex era.
i know many gays love and live for the new sam smith…
…but i’ll take laid back sam any day of the week.
many thought they were boring during this era.
what simpler times.
He’s FAT that’s what people have a problem with.. He was not and he will not be the first person to-do-the-most.
There have been celebrity that have done the extra and over-the-top try-hard behavior that he’s displaying.
Gays and straights (by FIRST preference generally, excluding realistic circumstance and/or compatibility) do not love FAT men/women. I don’t even listen to his songs like that (no not one off the top of my head) but I call it when I see it. No one likes his fat ass they are not disappointed by the over-the-top display as much as him being FAT and displaying over-the-top behavior.
His “flaw” is being FAT. Just like Lil Nas X supposed “flaw” is being BLACK and GAY (not the fact that he is a troll or over-the-top). Both strange, the first can actually sing and the latter has genuine charisma.
I’m not saying people wouldn’t care if he was skinny and doing the most. They would, but the constant discussions about it wouldn’t be as consistent as it is in this scenario.
Just like the constant fact Lizzo’s weight is brought up out of nowhere when concerning celebrity looks and dissected like she volunteered herself for disccusion.
Throw the picture away.
Let us just get honest. 1, it’s hard to make it in the industry when you are overweight to obese, to be overweight you must be extraordinarily talented, look at Lizzo she has to write hit songs, give high energy and creative performances while twerking and playing the flute at the same time; Sam could never.
Sam just betrayed the lane that he was placed in. Everybody loves R&B and soul they just don’t want it from Black artist. Sam became popular giving them that blue-eyed soul that the masses love and he was supposed to keep giving them that. I don’t think that Sam’s music is bad, but Luke James sang him under the table covering his song stay.
3 and Lastly, I just think you have people who were truly innovators who did it better. Contrary to popular opinion a lot of today’s artists are pale imitations of those who came before sorry to say; you’ve always had artist who expressed themselves and even bent gender norms who were far more talented, you had Prince, Boy George, David Bowie, Grace Jones etc.
Chile he’s White. Don’t really care.
He can do and will do anything he wants. He’s white.
Miss Thang best just move on. Love Azealia’s talent & music & even her opinions (though I don’t agree w/most of them) but she’s just an empty horn blowing in the wind to get free publicity since she has nothing better to do like promote her own brand. Get gone AB. I look forward to hearing her next single & album but until then no one really cares WTF she has to say about much of anything (as entertaining as her big ol’ mouth can be w/her shady self)!
As for Sam’s new look;

bravo & great job expressing himself in a interesting & different way than he’s done before. He’s pushing the boundaries for himself & doesn’t give 2 fucks what anyone thinks. BFD if it’s been done by others. Most artists go through a slutty phase that looks similar to theirs. It’s SAM’S moment now. Just let him do his thing & stop watching if you don’t care for it. Peer-ee-odt.
Why did she put Luther in that shit? Although he was assumed gay he kept his personal life private, those other singers can’t even hold a candle to him. In my opinion she’s just as f’d up as him, all the crazy shit she does.
Great comments.

The WalMart Club Kid Drag
TS Madison, RIIIIGGHHT! They still sell it too. Still good. Cold, fried or barbecued.
TS Madison said he looks like a pack of that old school bologna w the red string around the edges lol
I agree with everything Azealia said. I’m all for gay men reclaiming their sexuality and being confident in themselves after being born into a society that demonizes you every chance you get. BUT you have make it count and not let it become overkill to the point where you turn people off. A moment of unadulterated fun is wonderful but relentlessly shoving these piss poor delusional antics down our throats, no ma’am no green eggs or ham! I just can’t with the new Sam Smith and the fucked up part is that I would love to enjoy a gay male singer at the height of his celebrity but if I gotta be proofreading lyrics to make sure I ain’t listening to devil worship music and not watching his videos so I don’t have to see his undesirable body (IMO) then idk how much support I can actually be. Do you want to be George Michael or do you want to be Lil Nas X or Liberace? I’m only a mega fan of one and it’s the one singing with Whitney and Aretha. Just saying!
Also Azealia is trying to put you gays into your own your people. I love the shoutout to Brandon Urie who has been singing DOWN since I was in high school and Adam Lambert is probably the best male singer in Pop rivaling Bruno Mars, the range and technique is literally sickening. It’s sad that unless gay men have something shady or juicy going on then nobody cares to talk about them not even their own kind will promote them. Yet how many times can we talk about straight women and men? Smh!
i could’ve went my whole life without seeing that picture jamari. And look atchu using pronouns.
I’ve never followed this singer so i have no idea when he started these antics but i think its Hollywood going to their heads that make people start acting like this. Cat Williams let the cat out of the bag when he spilled that everybody in Hollywood is on coke and fucking escorts. Sam thinks this behavior is cute because he’s a celebrity. So now he can ask for anything from drugs, cars, to dick and it’s given to him no matter how fugly he looks.
also tumblr.
^ lmao @ tumblr
Agree 100% and I’m
Tired of cardi b and forced female sexuality too
The thing is gay men are idolizing women and trying to do what they do in size gay
And it doesn’t work bc
Women being explorative sexually is taboo .
Gays being overtly sexual isn’t taboo bc ppl already think gays are sexual deviants
@TeaTimeTips2: Just want to cosign your comment. I agree wholeheartedly!
She sounds right to me.
They are just having fun. Good for them.