Have you ever noticed how attentionistos try to rewrite their past when the present starts looking brighter?
i got an email from the PR rep of an ex-“kinda, sorta, maybe”-still current attentionisto.
you read that right.
Sidebar: the PR person was cool.
They are just doing their job so no shade or beef there.
they wanted me to take down a few old posts about their client.
as i scrolled through the entries,
confused as to what was so scandalous,
i couldn’t help but think to myself…
Why do attentionistos freak out about the very content they put out in the first place for us to talk/font about?
it’s like that vixen who stars in wicked.
she is now trying to erase how she use to talk in the past:
is she taking down her past discography too?

like with attentionistos who evolve,
now that the stakes are higher,
folks think we’re all living under a rock and forgot who they were.
this attentionitos whole brand was built on the ambiguity of “is he or isn’t he?”.
his shenanigans had everyone fonting during the tumblr days,
speculating if he and his recently connected home-hybrid were more than friends.
that mystery funneled people straight to his onlyfans like moths to a flame.
here’s the thing:
We didn’t forget his past.
Matter a fact,
if you mention his name today,
it will always be associated with his past.
he wanted to be a NBA baller wolf but we knew that wasn’t going to happen.

he was more known for his big dick than dribbling a basketball.
when i reached the final entry i took down,
it got me thinking:
Are we defined by what we’ve done,
or by what we’re trying to hide?
when the spotlight’s on us,
we’re happy to feed the animals but when life changes,
we scramble to clean up our messes,
hoping no one notices or remembers.
i’d rather own it.
use the past to fuel the future but i get it tho.
many of these attentionistios aren’t wired that way.
when it comes to trying to tidy up our real life browsing histories…
Are we really fooling anyone?
…because someone will always be there to remind us.

This is deeper than the title would imply, so let’s get into it.
Here is the thing, Jamari, I can understand removing the post if you’re trying to build a personal or professional relationship with this attentionisto. Maybe this attentionisto is on the come-up and getting in their good graces would provide you access, but I believe the counterargument is much more important.
Jamari, what you do has value and is important, you may not necessarily consider yourself a journalist, but your posts do become part of the official record especially because oftentimes you back up your commentary with receipts. Unless you shared something factually incorrect and wanted to retract it to correct the record, you should have kept the post. In fact, it might have been better to include the person’s name and a picture so everyone knows exactly who you’re talking about. People need to own their past and what they’ve done, especially if it was done in public for the world to see.
The problem is that for the last 10 years, we’ve allowed people to use, misuse, and abuse terms like bullying, cyberbullying, doxxing, etc. to get their way. Companies were too quick to shut down people’s social media pages at the slightest complaint because they didn’t want to potentially get dragged into frivolous lawsuits. This might all change under the Trump administration as we see companies relaxing their stance on censorship, now if this is a good or bad thing, we will have to see.
To sum it up Jamari, if you’re trying to foster a personal or professional relationship with this person or if you said something that was incorrect fine; but if not, stand your ground and put the post back up in my humble opinion.
^ thank you reality.
i appreciate you and the voice you have on the Foxhole.
i’m gonna take what you said and stew on it.
you make VERY valid points.
Why did you take it down? F that PR person… would they ask NBC MTV NY Times etc to take something down? Fk D there are posts in other places also..
Dude who was trolling w the white makeup dude? Whatever, I only know these dudes if they’re posted here.
Not him. Is that individual having a come to Jesus moment or something. Just curious
Not the one who was supposed to play basketball in Greece. Not the one who was running when he got caught on video. Not the one who a certain somebody was straight up trickin on. The DEVil be ON it!!!
I see we’re thinking about the same person lol
^great minds think alike 🤭
^ 😘
I feel like I know who this could be but far be if from me to fan the flames of curiosity lol