Amber Rose.
poor Amber Rose.
going hard for trump and then showing up at the rnc?
amber always seemed like a vixen who lost her way.
her looks and bawdy moves got her far but…
Time’s running out.
this might be the fate of those relying too much on their sex appeal.
unless they marry rich or make smart investments,
they’re headed for a rut.
amber has never stuck to her guns.
she abandoned women’s rights and her ‘proud hoe walking’ message.

in 2016,
she verbally said that she hated trump,
calling him weird.
( x see that here )
“They told me to hate Trump!”
So she is saying that she didn’t come up with that on her own?
remember when she exposed kanye and the kardashians on twitter in 2016?
she posed all smiles with kim days later.

amber’s no leader.
if she had kept her mouth shut and stayed mysterious and glamorous,
she might’ve married rich and become a chic hoe mommy blogger.
it’s a shame she went this route.
let’s hope the townspeople have mercy on her.
you know they’ll burn her at the stake eventually.
lowkey: amber might not be able to handle those rich political housewives.
they don’t like her kind around their already cheating husbands.
Sister-girl turned a trick, that’s all. Let’s not over think this.