Tank Shows Off His Dick

Oh yes…

I been WAITING for this…

Take a page from Breezy Wolf…
if you are going to give us a sneak peak,
i prefer mine to be UN-wrapped.

…and damn, he is short as hell.

25 thoughts on “Tank Shows Off His Dick

  1. UrSoVain :
    What standard are you comparing him to? Someone who’s almost half his age?

    No Vain, I’m comparing him to men his age.

      1. I’m not saying he doesn’t look good, he just looks older, that’s all. Shit I’ll fuck the hell out of him.

    1. …and what looks like the start of a receding hairline, or a just a bad line up.

    1. he does look short. Saw him in a club before and he wasn’t that short. The dude in the pic looks to be about 5-4…. Is it Tanks stunt double? Lol

    2. he does look short. Don’t remember him being that short…. Is it tanks body double? Lol

  2. I would have Tank in a min….YES GAWD! I don’t think he has aged at all and I kinda like him short…I don’t have to ‘climb’ on top.

  3. when i saw the title of this post i said to myself: Ive waiting so long to see this… LOL the thirstiness of me… smh…

  4. Those eyes. Those lips. That body. I’d love to come home and see him laying naked on my couch in a pair of Ralph Lauren boxer briefs.

  5. Yeah that pic is recent becuase the red foams just came out not ot long ago.. I agree I wanna see it unwrapped and he might sell like a CD of 10K with the publicity. #ijs

  6. He’s 36?! I thought he was older; he still looks good, though. I don’t think he was trying to show off the package…or else there would’ve been some bulge

  7. nice print but im like all yall wheres the meat. hhhuuummm lookng at this pic and back at cams makes me think did mr newton stuff???

  8. I see you Tank, looking good bruh. I remember back when he was skinny, I will never forget the way he looked in the ”Maybe I Deserve” video. Even though he’s a fellow wolf, I still wanna see those cakes.

      1. I was just assuming. I don’t see him as a fox or hybrid. Just look at the pic.

  9. Is it just the pics, or does he appear to be aging rather quickly? The pic is nice. He could have learned from Jamie and showed a lil’ more.

    1. Yes he’s not aging well. He’s 36, but he looks 40. I’ll still smash him though.

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