what happens when your man wants to bottom and you are the bottom?

star fox had a good relationship with his mr. big wolf.
they met years before and were instantly attracted to each other.
they ended up separating and finding themselves back to each other.
star fox always considered himself a fox with slight hybrid tendencies.
when he got back with mr. big wolf,
they ended up committing to each other and living together.
one night,
mr. big wolf asked star fox to top him.

star fox told me during the act,
and not even a few strokes into it,
mr. big wolf turned around and said:

“This feels weird and I don’t like it.
This is a one-and-done in you ever toppin’ me again.”

…and quickly bent star fox over for his usual night cap.

even though mr. big wolf was “mr. big fox” in other relationships,
star fox showed up as a fox and he took on that role.
as gay males,
do we adapt and form gay relationships with how we show up?
or if the relationship goes on for more than a month

What happens if that suddenly changes?

a foxholer sent me a discussion on twitter with gay power couple,
they were asked this:

their answer

Continue reading “what happens when your man wants to bottom and you are the bottom?”

khi lavene changed his career outlook (are ya’ll gonna turn on him when you get bored?)

*the following entry is rated r.
viewer discretion is strongly advised.

it seems rhyheim shabazz is the “go-to” when sex working wolves want to flip(ped over).
hasn’t flipped yet (?) on camera,
but everyone goes to him for their first times.
i like to think of him as “the wolf slayer” or “first-time” cam cherry popper.
( x like this one )
khi lavene,
who has been known as the go-to sex working wolf,
decided it was time to change his outlook on his career.
he requested rhyheim shabazz be the wolf to help him with his decision

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andre marhold gives it and us two legs up!

*the following entry is rated xxx
viewer discretion is strongly advised

he looks better with more weight on him tbh.
andre marhold
‘s dick is so big,

he can’t seem to find someone to smash.
what a struggle.
i’m shocked none of the “big dick takers” on social media haven’t stepped up to the battle.
andre screamed he’s a wolf in his interview with jason lee on “hollywood unlocked“,
but these days

Continue reading “andre marhold gives it and us two legs up!”

tops are sick of bottom’s shit (literally)

wolves are fighting back ya’ll.
they are sick of foxes and even some of the hybrids out here.
we been wanting the pipe,
but some of us ain’t cleaning out our insides for it.
a foxholer sent me this one snow wolf wanted to let his disdain be known…

Continue reading “tops are sick of bottom’s shit (literally)”

Get Your Paws Off My Penis! (Two Foxes Don’t Make A Wolf)

some folks get mad when i say i like labels.
labels as in being defined in being pleased sexually.
without labels,
we’d all be drinking bleach and eating rat poison.
we got some out here eating tide pods so…
i had an interesting conversation with an older snow wolf-turned-fox today.
he is discreet,
as myself,
and needed to talk about something that went down.
a “in the life” type of conversation.
he was telling me about how he got his heart broken recently,
but he recognized how it was his fault

Continue reading “Get Your Paws Off My Penis! (Two Foxes Don’t Make A Wolf)”

f0xmail: I’m Questioning My Role As A “Fox”. Help!


hello dear jamari…

you have no idea how I love your post and relate to some of the things you do say, knowing that you are more of a fox,helps me to really follow and see the dynamics in this lifestyle, I’m writing to you because,I don’t know what is going on with me, I started my sexual life 2 years ago as a fox,but it feels like I don’tknow if i enjoy the anal sex or not,I know I’m more of a fox since I seen a porn in my life (straight and gay)I knew I was the bottom,but for some reason I feel like I haven’t had “the”sex yet,the type that will make you go crazy even over the person or only his “third leg”.

is it because I’m a bit cynical in my nature that’s why I can’t let go ?
or its just I met awful tops lol?
or should I go for the 100%  my type physically?
(because i tend to lose my hard on and getting bored )

let me know what you think
I would like to hear your point of view,
that would help me a lot as a fox (don’t know any around me:-(
have a good day

Continue reading “f0xmail: I’m Questioning My Role As A “Fox”. Help!”