I Want To Feel It So That I See It


Have you ever come to a point in your life where you’re waiting for the plot twist?

not the ones that are in horror movies.
i mean,
the one you are doing all you can to get by,
but you’re just waiting for that moment when your dreams finally come true?
i know you do.
i’m there myself.
i’ve been feeling rather stuck mentally and emotionally.
i wonder if i’ll ever live the life i desire.
yours might be a little different than mine.
see mine…

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Did It Feel Like Thanksgiving For You Today, Foxhole?

so i hope the foxhole is having a great thanksgiving today.
i know some of you are waiting to eat right now.
others have eaten so much they are waiting for their second wind.
a few have eaten,
probably dressed,
and ready to venture to a “black friday sale”.
then there are those,
like me,
who spent it without a family today.
 alone or at a friend’s crib.
well just know i’m here for you.
i went to lunch with the pretty vixen today.
i wanted soul food so we went to “x amy ruths“.
it was in my budget,
and i didn’t feel cooking or like being alone,
so why not?

sidebar: food was amazinggggg.
ya’ll gotta try their koolaid.
maybe it was my experience,
but i noticed something tho…

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Receptionist Is The Way To Go If You A Creative

ya know,
being a receptionist is pretty simple.
it’s all about:

answering phones
taking packages
being courteous

you’re basically a guardian of the gate.
you are in control of your office.
no one can get through to see anyone without your approval.
i love that idea.
at my new gig,
it gets busy but…

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5 Miles Into Happy

why must we do things we don’t like doing?
i had to ask myself that today on the way home.
why do we do that shit?
it’s a huge waste of time.
our parents were wrong in teaching us that.

“You gotta do things you don’t like in order to make it.”

do we,

we fuck folks we don’t like…
but we need to get a nut.

we live in forests we don’t like…
but it keeps a roof over our heads.

we befriend others we don’t like…
just so we can talk about all the dumb shit they do.

we stick at jobs we don’t like…
because it’s all about the money.

well i’m at my last fuck to give with that shit.
i left that job today…

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The Pursuit of Happiness and Other Dying Thoughts

i’ve been numbing my pain with sleeping pills.
i can’t seem to sleep anymore without them.
this maybe how addiction starts.
i’m okay with that.
2017 has been so hard for me.
i thought 2016 was bad,
but 2017…
every time i try to be happy and on this mountain,
i am pulled right back down into a valley.
i’m starting to be okay down here.
the fur i keep on allows me to smile around others,
but underneath,
i’m so depressed and ready to die.
death seems so peaceful.
that is my continuous truth
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One Word To Describe Odell Beckham Jr: Energetic

odell beckaham jr is just enjoying his life.
that kind of energy makes me happy.
it’s contagious.
well he was spotted at coachella this past weekend doing…
what else would odell be doing?…
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