I Would Have Lost (It) At Lunch

imagine you’re at a restaurant,
having lunch with your people,
and this happens
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Unemployed AF



that was my ex co worker’s status message.
that use to be me especially after a 4 day weekend.
going back to that place was torture.
there would be nonsense already waiting patiently in my inbox.
is it wrong that i felt a moment of happiness?
i was just telling someone…
Continue reading “Unemployed AF”

“Left” Made Me Cry Today

cry-emojii love when animals win.
i also love when the animals in my life win.
if anyone knows me,
they know i will show love to anyone who i feel deserves it.
i’m not like the rest who only take you seriously

after you made it
got connections

well my straight wolf best friend,
achieved something that made me cry…
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I Feel Different #dontjudgeme

vintage-sunflowers-tumblr-widescreen-2right now,
in my life,
i feel happy.
maybe it’s that book i’m reading ever week.
it could even be just seeing God working in my life.
i don’t know,
but something inside me feels…
you know what i’ve been doing?…
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Out of The Woods; Eating More Cheese


“are we out of the woods yet?
are we out of the woods yet?
are we out of the woods yet?
are we out of the woods?
are we in the clear yet?
are we in the clear yet?
are we in the clear yet?
in the clear yet, good.” – “out of the woods”, taylor swift

so lets talk about something positive real quick.
i always want to update the foxhole,
good and bad.
so you know how i was always paying off bills?
i was focused on that tho.
i refused to be in the dark deep debt woods.
Continue reading “Out of The Woods; Eating More Cheese”

Look At What YOU Did

objects-0166_largebefore i even get into the entries,
this award goes to all the foxhole.
well something told me to check my stats just now.
i told myself a while ago to stop paying attention to that.
so i did.
i only wanted to focus on my work and what i bring to the forest.
well look at this milestone that we passed…
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