Are You Ready For Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron?

Avengers-Age-Of-Ultron-FAN-MADE-Poster-marvel-comics-37350450-1200-1800i loveddddddddddd the first avengers movie.
i had to go see that one in the theater when it came out.
well on may 1st,
here comes the sequel

*throws boxer briefs for captain america and tony stark*
looks like i will be there!

lowkey: i would love to go to a screening.
ima have to put my bid in.

5 thoughts on “Are You Ready For Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron?

  1. I didn’t care for the first one. That might be because I’m so used to Joss Whedon’s writing that I can see what’s gonna happen a mile away. I’m looking more forward to this than Batman v Superman tho.

    1. ^Looking forward to that as well. But they managed to do a team movie VERY well in the first one. MUCH better than the Wolverine…I mean, X-Men films.

  2. I’m ready. Want to see if they can continue the magic of the first film.
    Should be interesting.

  3. Oh I’m ready I was such a fan of the first one and the Captain Amaeruca movie that came out last year. I think my favorite character is Black widow she such a bad ass in such a surprising way(big ups to Scarlett Johansson).

    P.S. My undies get thrown at Cap and Thor, two pretty blonde pieces of meat. Lol

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