Lawd even the women in atl gotta hop on prep too

Why did we allow Atlanta,
the place that is the mecca for black gays and black excellence,
become the epicenter for HIV?

why did we allow this to happen?
everyone loves to have sex but why did we have to do it so recklessly?
even though this one here gets on my last nerves:

the fact she lives in atl and has to announce she is on prep,
a drug that helps gay males not catch HIV

…is absolutely bonkers to me.
i’m gonna blame two things:

  1. The homophobia in the black community,
    which also includes the gay community as well.

if we didn’t shame males for their truth,
regardless of how they looked or are perceived,
they wouldn’t have to sneak around and live in the shadows.
i will also blame some of those same males for not accepting their truths either.
you already know who is going to be blamed for this:

The DL gays who are infecting black vixens

…but i’m here to play devil’s advocate that out gays are fuckin’ reckless too.
how many gays are using prep as their reasoning to have raw sex?
this leads to the next thing:

2. Sex and sex work becoming mainstream.

sex has not been showing responsible ass adults engaging in sexual activity.
it has been showing and glorifying sex without protection.
its blows me when i hear people say they got stds a few times.
what are we even doing??????

gay or straight,
we don’t ever see condoms or paper work of clean bills of health.
so because of that,
followers go out there raw fucking without doing the same.

…and unfortunately because of just what Atlanta represents or is known for,
the gays will be the first to blame.

not even taking into accountability that reckless straights are involved in this mess too.

Bonus: growing up as a 90s kid,
there were so many things/tv shows/school warning us about safe sex.

That is missing right now and once people saw they can make a living fucking,
we could as well forget it.

so this is the new reality.

None of this will change.

we are in a new timeline in many ways and this is just where we are at.
it’s not even just atl either.
every state in the USA is compromised atp.
at this point,
go into every sexual encounter with the reality of low expectations. of other people,
whether it’s performance and sexual health.

You may catch a nut and an incurable disease too.

stay safe out there.

lowkey: these sex workers are showing themselves fuckin’ raw,
but that doesn’t mean we have to.

1 thought on “Lawd even the women in atl gotta hop on prep too

  1. Hey Foxxy! As a former ATL ien, I had seen so many friends or friends of someone I knew dropping like flies. Mind you, this was in the early 90’s. You’d think by now that there wouldn’t be such reckless behavior. Bottom line is, you cannot trust anyone there, too many distractions, fine men everywhere. I agree, DL men are spreading it to the women. I met a guy, who just had a newborn, and he still wanted to fuck around, I couldn’t believe it and he was fine too!! We rolled around in the sack a couple of times but it became too exhausting

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