kanye is out here playing a dangerous game with people’s kids

we’ve all been guilty of talking about someone’s bad ass kid.
the tantrums in restaurants; sticky paws on your furniture.
we’ve all thought it:

“Get your little demon under control.”

…but let’s be clear,
there’s a difference between calling a kid a brat and crossing into dangerous territory.
one is rightful judgment and the other is pure malice.
kanye has sprinted past the line a long time ago.
that jackal is in a whole other town.
last week,
he decided to take a vicious swipe at beyoncé and jay-z’s younger kids:

…using a slur that should’ve ended his career.
he’s now got dj akademiks running PR for his downfall,
spreading the same garbage on a random podcast

head to the 15-minute mark:

….but let’s call it what it is: fuckin’ disgusting.

no matter who their parents are,
shouldn’t be used as weapons in beef but here we are:

Watching another repetitive episode of Kanye vs. Decency

we are all to blame for this.

kanye didn’t just wake up like dis.
this was a slow descent and all of us who excused him,
laughed it off,

and kept handing him a platform after every public meltdown.
we helped build the monster.
if he had been humbled years ago,
and not supported for some ugly ass sneakers,
we wouldn’t be watching this never-ending circus.

He supports our new president and it got swept under the rug.
Anyone else supports our new president and they get instantly banished.

we let it slide with the excuse he is some kind of genius.
a genius because he took samples and used them in his songs?
now his platform is big enough to disrespect children and push yahtzee propaganda.

what’s the move?

he’s gotten so starved for attention and a straight jacket,
that if kanye has proven anything,
it’s that he doesn’t need an audience:

He needs an exit.

can we wrap him up to go in the trash,


lowkey: he reminds me of ben from ozarks.
you know what happened to ben from ozarks
if you don’t know,
you should watch the ozarks on netflix.

If you wouldn't say it on live TV with all your family and friends watching, without getting canceled or locked up, don't say it on here. Stay on topic, no SPAM, and keep it respectful. Thanks!