kamala harris has brought out something crazy in so many people

Did people completely lose their minds like this when Obama was running?

he had his fair share of haters but there was a lot of kindness too:

let’s be 110%

Nothing comes close to the chaos of Kamala’s run.

this weekend,
elon musk stirred the pot yet again,
questioning something so outrageous

…that the backlash hit him like a freight train.
that is his alt account he is tweeting too.

he has since deleted the tweet,
but the damage was done and it got me thinking

Are Republicans still running plays from a dusty old handbook that’s way past its expiration date?

the nonstop hate is exhausting.
we get it:

They can’t stand the Democrats and have a special disdain for Kamala Harris,
but like…

Are they doing too much?

i think they’ve turned more people off than they realize.
jd vance admitting he lied about the whole cats and dogs thing:

laura loomer tweeting nonsense that’s straight-up out of pocket:

excuse me?

…and elon being,
as for trump,
he is telling his truth about taylor swift in all caps.

i wish he would have say/font something reckless to rile up the hive,

and throw in the micheal jackson stans for good measure.

that would be ultimate chaos and destruction.

these jackals have shown us a side that’s more self-destructive than strategic.
there is a difference between hatred and just being plain ol’ nasty.
so here’s the real questions:

Do we even care about their policies anymore?

Or have they pushed so far that we’re all just too turned off to listen?

lowkey: is it me or does it seem like they are throwing on purpose?

lowkey 2: this took me outtttttttt.
trump thinking nicky jam was a vixen…

because now “that poor gal” has left his side…

did he think nicky jam was our nicki?

2 thoughts on “kamala harris has brought out something crazy in so many people

  1. I think they aren’t concerned about what they say because they have a plan to either rig the election or uprise when they lose. Trump said himself “they have the votes” so I believe they are just trying to create as much chaos as they can to pull more idiots out of hiding to carry whatever plan they have to “win” regardless of the results. Oh and as far as policies, David John said it best, policies are important but were too close to Election Day to be “undecided” because you need to hear more on polices. If the khaos kklan’s antics aren’t enough for you to realize that they aren’t the right choice then that’s a bigger problem. If project 2025 isn’t enough of a deterrent, then we’re doomed. Again policies are important but given what’s on the other side, Kamala could’ve said her policies were “boo” and she’d still get my vote.

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