diddy had a chair fetish?

I couldn’t help but wonder:
What makes us stay with people who abuse us?

is it money?

it’s so wild to see pictures like the above with the late kim porter and diddy.
all those of us knew or heard bts of the abuse she (and others) allegedly faced.
while reading a transcript from kim porter’s alleged memior,
she described when diddy allegedly knocked her unconscious with a chair.

via ( x Radaronline )

if the alleged is true,
stories like this always leave me shocked.

Wouldn’t that have been the cue to exit stage left,
out the backdoor,

and through the parking lot?

then i remembered,
even as a friend,
i didn’t leave someone i thought would never violated me.
i saw work wolf doing fucked up shit to the vixens and thought i was a special snowflake.
nah homie.

“I don’t want Jamari coming around my desk because i don’t want anyone to think i’m gay,” Work Wolf said to someone our mutual friend who told me.

i’ll never forget that made me feel like i was emotionally knocked out cold with a chair.
back then,
i cried when i got that big hit.
fonting about it now makes me angry AF.
even that mutual friend said he was fucked up and to stop fuckin with him.
that was the moment i should have abandoned that friendship.
after “talking about it” and “him apologizing”,
that “friendship” got worse.

I’ve learned that when we don’t abandon ship the first time,
we give someone the green light to do it all the time.

diddy saw that many of those people,
vixens and males,
probably needed him for something.
he knew he had the power to control the narrative.
i needed work wolf because i wanted him.

i sure knew acted like it.
when someone knows they have control over you,
it’s over for any respect going forward.

The wild part is so many people witnessed all Diddy’s alleged abuse and said nothing.

i mean,
what could they say or do?

it seemed like he would take a chair and knock your ass into next week too.
it’s all coming out in the wash and like any villain,
retribution for all the victims has come
including ones from the grave.

she was so beautiful.
may she continue to rest in peace that she didn’t receive here on earth.

lowkey: i wonder what his kids think?
she seemed like she was an amazing mom…

lowkey 2: i didn’t even realize this was her in this movie…

1 thought on “diddy had a chair fetish?

  1. I always wonder what his sons think about all of this. Did they see anything? Hear anything? If they did I’m sure he bought them something nice so they wouldn’t talk about it.

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