diddy got 120 alleged problems and his freedom ain’t one

Ever worked at a job where the boss was practically satan in a suit?

maybe it was your boss,
your fav’s boss,
or you just watched the chaos from the sidelines.
this jackal had a known rep for tormenting everyone.
even the strongest people cracked under their pressure.
no one dared to complain though due to fear of losing their job,
getting blacklisted,
or that old “you gotta play the game” mentality kept everyone quiet.
people either suffered through the abuse or didn’t last long and left.

It wasn’t until one brave soul finally spoke up that the floodgates opened.

everyone had a story and just like that,
the so-called jackal was shown the door with a hefty severance to go away quietly.
don’t you love when hr protects these demons?
as we saw,
cassie started talking and guess what?

Diddy’s untouchable reputation was officially wounded and 120 more alleged victims have come forward to tell their side….

when i font,
yikes on a bike” with these allegations…

“Many powerful people … many dirty secrets,” the lawyer (Tony Buzbee) said of the allegations. He added that his team has “collected pictures, video, texts.” Buzbee added that the allegations will include: “violent sexual assault or rape, facilitated sex with a controlled substance, dissemination of video recordings, sexual abuse of minors.”

“It’s a long list already, but because of the nature of this case, we are going to make sure damn sure we are right before we do that,” Buzbee continued. “These names will shock you.” via ( x nbc news )

of course,
some are claiming it’s all a conspiracy.
“the great black man is being targeted!”
my Foxhole,
is karma doing her thing.
when you spend years purposely hurting others,
it catches up to you.
rumor has it…

This all started when Diddy tried to take down that alcohol company.

makes you wonder if his protection finally run out?
the truth is,
diddy probably made a lot of silent enemies behind the scenes.
many of them were very well scared to speak up.
even though they smiled in his face at all his parties,
and many indulged in his freakoffs because they needed something from him….

You can bet they were all waiting for the perfect moment to bury him.

shovels in hand,
ready to dig his grave the minute the dirt hit the fan.

lowkey: all he had to do was discover and set up black talent for greatness.
all he had to do was help black males get out the hood and make them rich.
all he had to do was create a legacy of good times and even better success stories.

all he had to do.

2 thoughts on “diddy got 120 alleged problems and his freedom ain’t one

  1. Well I do feel sorry for the victims.Especially for the victims who were abused in the early years before it was widely known that he was a predator.And as a survivor of childhood sexual abuse I feel sorry for the people who were children (like the 9 year old boy,14 year old girl,etc.) when they were violated.If any of these allegations are true he needs to go to prison for the rest of his life,IMO.

  2. 😎😎😎😎😎 It’s crazy how this always goes down—you were ALLEGEDLY abused for years, stayed quiet because the person was “powerful” and you were “scared.” But then, outta nowhere, when someone else speaks up about their issues, you suddenly find the courage to air your skeletons too.

    Let’s be real—everything in America is laced with money and wild lifestyles that everyone was a part of because it suited them. It fattened their wallets, got them close to “celebrities,” hoping some of that golden fame would rub off. People chasing clout, even if it meant lying down with legs wide open.

    Sorry, but I’m not impressed, shocked, or feeling any sympathy for these so-called “victims.” Everybody knew what was up, and nobody had a gun to their head. Folks willingly forgot their age, did what they did, and didn’t care for years. Same ol’ story in America—when a Black man steps outta line with the establishment, it’s time for him to get lynched. This is just another example of a Black man getting dragged.

    I’m no fan of Diddy, and I don’t back his actions. But Diddy messed up big time, thinking he could play the game and get away with it. Now he’s getting his turn in the lynching club. Seems like he didn’t learn a damn thing from the struggles of his ancestors.

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