yarddie style has been giving it to me GOOD

I’ve had A LOT to font about Yarddie Style over the years.
Aside from loving that big backside of his…

my issue with him was his always been his stroke resume.
i have a confession to make…

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so i watched the halftime show with kendrick lamar and oof…

^this shot goes so hard.
the bending as the flag symbolizing how the US was built off the backs of blacks.
you KNOW that pissed them off but…

Isn’t it funny how some people only see the frosting but never question what’s in the cake?

last night,
while most were just hyped for “not like us” at the halftime show,
i couldn’t help but see the layers kendrick was serving.
first off,
let’s give drake a standing ovation…

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i thought DEI hires were useless? well, they sure did win the super bowl

the so-called kings of the nfl got their crowns snatched at the super bowl.
it was legit handed to them tbp.

last night wasn’t just a regular super bowl:

It was a reckoning.

while the forests were preparing for a “look at how taylor reacts” glaze sesh…
and can we font about what her manz was wearing last night?

i would NEVER let my manz walk out the door like that.

WTF is that?

i know him saying ( x he didn’t like gumbo ) made the spirits MAD too.
something far more satisfying ended up unfolding…

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this part of another male’s bawdy makes me completely feral

There is a certain part on a male that drives me bat shit crazy.

when i’m watching at as scene on the performing arts of penetrative strokes

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dylan o’brien backstrokes his way to the front of the line for gay fantasies

He looks better with a beard.

take that how you will.
so dylan o’ brien was the talk of the forests all weekend.
i was never a “teen wolf” kind of fox but that is where he started.
i do remember him being the love interest in a taylor swift video tho.

the reason he was the talk was about a new movie he is in called “twinless“.
it is about two males who end up in a relationship because…
they are twinless twins.
it wasn’t the “potential oscar buzz” (i kid) movie that was the font…

it was his gay sex scene in the movie…

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beyonce gave some of us trauma today

Oh no!
Queen Bey has canceled her much-hyped announcement.

today was supposed to be the day beyonce broke the internet again.
instead of becoming a trend,
she did the unthinkable

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