black folks don’t deserve stars because we seem to hate them

Do black folks deserve stars?

do we deserve our own to showcase their talent,
or a seat at the table?

it seems like when black people step into the spotlight,
we’re celebrated until we’re not.
it even happens to black sex workers on onlyfans.
even the straight ones.

Why does it seem we tolerate our people “until”?

now read me correctly,
this isn’t about the ones we shouldn’t have given fame to in the first place

the ones who showed their true colors,
and we still handed them the spotlight,
only to act shocked when their bad decisions came back to bite us.
it’s only until when they reached the “get them out of here” phase,
we are ready to show them the door.

What about the ones we toss aside for no real reason?

the amount of people turning on beyoncé because of nicki,
the way folks criticize rihanna for the sake of criticism,
and the number of people quietly (or not so quietly) hoping jay-z is worse than diddy.
so many of our black legends have died unappreciated until we hear they’ve passed.
when they’re alive,
we are throwing them under the bus for someone who was born yesterday.
black content creators don’t get the same leeway as white ones.
it makes me wonder:

How can we expect to have stars if we don’t support or value the ones who are trying?

…then we turn around and compare ourselves to white audiences.

Britney Spears can spin around for content and she gets excuses made.
White content creators can be basic and do pranks all day

White content creators can be basic, do fucked up shit, and still bring in millions
Many white singers can sing an entire song with a bridge for 4 whole minutes

weirdly enough,
white folks often treat black talent better but many sell out for their approval.
it’s no surprise black gay males who come out have a white male on their arm.
it isn’t until it we no longer benefit them financially is when we get our wake up call.

so, is it a lose/lose for black talent?
are we only good for as long as we’re useful,
then cast aside when something shinier comes along?
or are we just repeating a cycle that’s only setting us up to fail?

we will find a way to turn on kendrick soon enough.
he is cookin’ now but we will find a way to not appreciate what he is serving us.
these days,
we only let few sit at the table but i had to wonder…

Why are our seats so temporary while white folks can sit forever?

this train of thought,
courtesy of dr. umar.

1 thought on “black folks don’t deserve stars because we seem to hate them

  1. People bashed Nicki, Rihanna, Ciara, Keri hilson, Ashanti and whoever else for Beyoncé for years

    Now that the culture has turned on the star they created people are crying foul

    The same way they speculated on Diddy for being weird before proof presented itself is the same way they’re speaking on Jay Z

    I see no issue. Energy ♻️♻️♻️♻️

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