ya’ll gave bryon perkins and his white manz another dragging this weekend

over the weekend,
bryon and his manz had a brief squabble.

the worst thing he did was come on social media to vent in his emotions.
a Foxholer decided to drop a whole alleged dossier in my box.
this is what bryon posted that got everyone riled up (again)…

the issue i’m seeing is:

Every time Bryon and his white manz hit the headlines,
the whispers about the alleged fetish-ization of young gay black males just keep getting louder.

now i’m not fonting the allegations are true,
but where there’s smoke






…there’s usually a forest fire building in the back.
here is a video from the dump:

something has been on my mind about these “openly gay black” whatever-they-ares.

Why is their talent always overshadowed by who they’re dating?

it’s never,
“he kilt it with 20 home runs in one game.”
the conversation always shifts to who’s on their arm,
and it’s usually someone white,
or older and white.
the other two who came out were attached to (older) white males too.
they got dropped once they were deemed worthless.
it’s like straight (?) black males who attach themselves to the kardashians.

it almost never ends well either.
in both cases,
they go from being celebrated on “sports illustrated” to “the shade room”,
and by “the shade room”,
i mean ya’ll dragging them like there’s no tomorrow.

Have we seen Bryon’s talent yet?

…and honestly,
with all this mess and rumors swirling around him…

Do we even care anymore?

lowkey: he should have kept who he was dating quiet.
stayed mysterious and lowkey throughout his whole career.

his looks would have carried him far.

6 thoughts on “ya’ll gave bryon perkins and his white manz another dragging this weekend

  1. We’ve seen this before.

    Michael Sam.
    Derrick Gordon.

    The problem isn’t their white partners. It’s coming out before they’ve accomplished anything. If he was the first, I’d get it.

    But it’s like seeing the TLC/New Edition movies and going into the music industry and getting taken advantage of and signing a 360 deal and ending up broke. You should know better.

    These Black men let their sexuality overshadow their game. So now team members will feel uncomfortable, there will be more attention on the team and that can be a distraction.

    Why haven’t any of them come out at championships? So it’s like “yeah I’m gay and got them a championship”

    Because it comes off as a distraction and NONE of them have ever truly made it. So I would’ve waited until I cemented myself.

    Now as far as their white partners, being young and Black and gay, I get wanting wisdom from an older man, but it’s super cringe that they always seem to be white men that OTHER white men don’t want. Says what we think of ourselves.

    Date who you want. But stop letting it distract from your alleged talent.

    Because otherwise you come off as wanting attention..and not deserving it because you’re not noteworthy. If I ever come out professionally, it’ll be after I’ve won a Nobel Peace Prize or something!

  2. He is young and feeling loved. Not a thing wrong with that. However, social media is not life. Limit your sharing to friends and family. Finally, NEVER SEEK APPROBATION FROM ANYONE!

    1. Jim, all this reply tells me is you wish you had a young Black twink athlete on your arm. Of course you’re here for it. You see yourself in the unattractive white man’s shoes.

      Well, they don’t want you.

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