i wonder if jennifer lopez learned anything in this ben debacle?

Can you imagine being Jennifer Lopez right now?
Lawd have mercy.

this mess is on her…

she was warned about that documentary,
but did she listen?

we got the cringy “ben completes me” moment.
she tried to romanticize their re-connection,
despite his trashy track record,
especially after their first breakup when he embarrassed her the first time.
it’s like those couples we know who act all extra lovey-dovey,
then go bitter the second it’s over.

J.lo missed the plot twist we all saw coming.

ben just wanted to smash again and once post-nut clarity hit,
he came (literally) to his senses.
she got fooled in the love that she thought he got.
i couldn’t resist.

the worst part?
she handed him all the power.
once you let someone know their presence is your end all and be all,
it’s pretty much over when it comes to respect.
they’ll know they can treat you like shit and you’ll crawl right back.
if it were me in my current healed state

I’d have kept him under wraps as i fuck his brains out.
I wouldn’t have trusted him so fast and easily.
He has to earn this again and only until I felt he deserved to be on my arm again.

no hard debut until at least two years in.
i’d play games with the paparazzi/social media but nothing confirmed.
don’t even mention we are anything out loud because i’ll block you.

oh well.
it’s time for her to own her mistakes,
skip the trash talk,
and focus on healing that wounded,
inner child who yearns for love from males than herself.

Maybe that’s asking too much from her?

lowkey: ben is packing the meats but that ain’t enough to feed the past disrespect.