we created the musk monster tbh

So I guess he is baffled all of these white characters got re-made?
I only recognize Ariel.
Who are these other characters?????
I’m always confused with his confusion.

i don’t want to hear any more complaints about elon musk.

we all played a part in creating what he has become.
he flaunts his racism but we continue to use twitter.
many of us bark like dogs because his app,
unlike the other social media platforms,
lets us upload smut and indulge in our degenerate ways.
we can’t have it both ways but let’s be honest

We love to complain when we know we’re just going to keep barking.

when he was buying twitter,
we didn’t kick up enough dust.
i’m also blaming jack for selling out too.
elon’s reputation had already preceded him but we didn’t care.
i remember people stanning for his genius and self driving cars.
so now that he’s showing his true colors on HIS platform:

Why are we so mad?

what results were we expecting?
did we think he would magically change after his ego went through the roof?
is this why we think jackals will change their fur after being exposed?

Sidebar: I use to go on there heavy because of the likes.
I saw a lot of good content in some of my follows likes.
Once the ability to see likes left the building,
I did too.

this is the problem with some of us.
we like to complain and cry when things go too far,
when we could have stopped it,
we chose to use social media to vent our frustrations.
we didn’t do anything but get a couple viral moments.
society has done it with pretty much everyone problematic.
we turn the other cheek until it gets real uncomfortable so we can complain.
it’s like spoiling a kid and then when kid has turned on us,
we can’t understand why this little monster is out of control.

So let’s enjoy everything Elon Musk is doing because,
like it or not,
he’s not going anywhere.

lowkey: now wait a minute…

what movies/shows are black men the hero?
is he watching tubi cause…?

2 thoughts on “we created the musk monster tbh

  1. I think you hit the nail on the head when you said we should blame Jack for selling out. The problem is that the United States should have treated Twitter as a public utility, and then we would never have been in this mess.

    To be honest, the problem with Elon Musk is that he is a white South African who was born and raised in apartheid South Africa. He was born and raised in violent racism and is, in fact, a racist. Just a quick history lesson: Jim Crow ended in the United States in the 1960s, and apartheid didn’t end in South Africa until 1994. Elon was born in 1971 in South Africa and lived there for 17 years until he moved to Canada. Of course, he has racist ideas and beliefs.

    Elon got a pass because he put on a mask to be in polite society, and then you all made him into Iron Man Tony Stark or Reed Richards from the Fantastic Four; he was never those people.

    1. Off-topic: I’ve been reading the Secret Wars comic from back in the day. If people think Marvel is “woke” now, wait till they see THAT lineup when the Secret Wars movie comes out.

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