Tripp Ali Has Pulled The Plug on “Tex Brown” and Signal 23 TV

tripp ali is another acting wolf who is over signal 23 tv.
there must be something in the water over there.
as you know,
i was posting his explicit sex scenes on his web series,
“tex brown”.
the foxhole was allowing it.
well that’s over.
tripp announced he isn’t doing “tex brown” any longer,
or even working with signal 23 tv,

a vix-bi alerted me on what he posted on his ig
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The Facebook Foxhole Might Be Over

 the facebook foxhole has me on block…
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An Ended Friendship On Ice

bb0719885bc584194877705d153bc11c“Lol Jamari you sound like you just broke up with your boyfriend.
Don’t have that pineapple turning you into a long Adele video.” – one of my fav foxholers in an email

i think what hurt my feelings was treating me like i didn’t exist.
that is the part that stings the most.
i’ll tell you all because we are having “fox talk” right now.
its’ done tho.
work wolf and i are not friends anymore.
after all this childish cold shoulder bs,
i came to a decision that this has reached it’s expiration date.
for some,
i’m sure they thought that a while ago.
for me,
i wanted to hang on because i was so sure.
“so sure” i’d end up getting hurt
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Kordale N Kaleb Are Officially “The Hot Separated Dads” Now

d723b3ce86982a07bc1dc1beebebf457d754bf8bremember these kind folks?
the sexy gay dads have the gazillion cubs?
well they were engaged and now they’re kinda not.
they have ended their engagement.
an f-bi sent me the article from madam noire and well…
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I’ll Take The Fried Chicken Mega Cluck Cluck Special Please

Deep_frying_chicken_upper_wing“Even when I get the fried chicken special of the day,
I have to dig into it like it’s filet mignon.”

that quote is from viola davis in her new york times write up.
funny part is she wasn’t talking about food either.
that quote gave an instant “a-ha” moment…

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Update A Minute Later

85913-To-Tired-To-Crythank you.
i want to thank everyone for allowing me a minute.
the comments and the emails were very nice and uplifting.
listen this last week at work…
i definitely needed to do a mental detox.
i’ve been feeling like a true to life zombie.
so what i did?…
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