i don’t even want to get my haircut during the rona cesspool or filth and sickness.
my spirit doesn’t trust any of it.
right now,
i’m pretty single so i don’t have any “11pm to 3am entertainment” in my roster.
my phone is dry af expect some light flirting with someone i’m not interested in.
Everyone is horny and they want to fuck.
the gays and bi folks are on phase 4 of “i’m fuckin’ whoever“.
dicks and butt cheeks are open.
a foxholer sent a video from brandon lee,
aka sexxxpertease,
about how he risked the rona and got smashed by 3 wolves in one day.
this is his explanation as to why he did it…
i love how he said his family member has a compromised immune system,
but his hunger for dick compromised alla that.
this makes me beliece he is kinda selfish and self absorbed.
here is the thing…
People gon’ do what they gon’ to do
some folks want to regain a sense of normalcy in their lives.
they are gonna do all the things they did pre-rona.
its summertime too.
we can’t expect the folks with mexican jumpin’ beans in they drawz to stay home.
So folks will gon’ go outside,
they gon’ party,
they gon’ fuck,
and they gon’ do whatever to feel normal again.
i know if a wolf i was interested in said he wanted to fuck me stupid today,
it would be really hard to say “no“.
as much as i’d love some dick right now,
i’m good on any random civilians up inside me.
what i’ve come to realize is i need to mind my business.
what other people are doing is no concern of mine.
if they get the rona,
i won’t feel any of the symptoms or i won’t be responsible if they kill someone.
I’m in my own bag
i don’t feel comfortable to do anything so ima stay in the crib until.
there is so much shit i need to do that getting dick isn’t really a priority right now.
Im need to start getting this website monetized
let folks do what they gon’ do during this rona.
a shit ton of gay and bi folks are ruled by sex.
random hook ups are one part of a toxic culture.
even some of the straights are on that wave.
some americans are entitled and dead selfish.
i mean,
for God sakes,
look at who is running our country?
so we can judge them all we want,
as it makes for good entries,
but that was their decision to male.
it’s really none of your business until it comes in your space.
I’m trying not to judge him but, this video made that difficult. He should be living on his own doing risky stuff like that. It seems like a sad man to me. Something inside is definitely missing.
I assume everyone knows this but Covid-19 does spread in semen, so…unless you wear a condom, PrEP is going to prevent HIV, but not Covid-19 transmission. I was shocked when I heard this, but it’s like Zika and other viruses that can exist in bodily fluids. So before you give some head or get your back blown out by someone who you cannot be sure is 1) not tested negative and 2) had no exposure to Covid-19, if you absolutely have to have sex, please, wrap it up, and mask it up if your mouth ain’t involved.
I…I would not publicly admit this.
I can maybe understand ONE encounter with someone you mess with regularly anyway, but three in one day?
One day we’re going to have to have a real conversation regarding sex addiction and gay men.
^ pulls out my “that part” jada pinkett-smith gif
His dad had a double lung transplant and he decided to risk having sex with 3 guys and bringing Covid-19 home to his dad…. a virus that attacks people’s lungs….he seems like a pretty selfish person.
I fully accept the judgement and shade that y’all about to throw my way, BUT…it had been four whole months and I couldn’t take it anymore, so I called my Haitian fuck buddy to come and shatter these walls like those of Jericho. ** sits in corner with dunce hat on **
Body is definitely sexy. But once that mouth opened, it was an instant NO. Upstanding morals and character is lacking in this dude.
Seems like he’s living with his family and he has the audacity to put them at risk because he needed multiple dicks. Gutter mouth and booty.
Look there is a doctor I fuck with every so often. The best ass, bomb head and will provide me with anything I need. He called the other day to hook up because it has been since November. I asked you still work in the hospital, he said yes, I said naw I am good. This virus is no joke.
“You still employed down by the medical center?”
“Yea, why? You want a check-up ;)”
“Nah, I wanna check-out. Talk to you after the appcalypse…”
Pretty much….LOL
Having sex with three different people in one day is problematic, whether there is a pandemic or not. Either way he’s putting his health at risk.
^yeah that is ODDEEEEEEEE
It’s crazy. One of my friends was telling me about an acquaintance of his who is living at home with his well off parents. A white dude addicted to black dick. On one occasion dude was literally in the hospital and had dude come to his room so he could suck him off. My friend texted me the pic this dude sent of him with his ICU hookup and it was beyond doing too much—dude had wires and cords going in every freakin direction while he’s on his knees by the hospital bed and oxygen machine!!!
Then recently the same dude decided to fuck two dudes in the garage while his parents went grocery shopping because hey they’re not in the house right? Weeeell his parents came through right after and where do they park the cars?—THE GARAGE! I believe they both got covid-19. Smh! Hot mess!
i hate it here.
Outside of rona, why is that a problem?
I’m sorry, I’m usually not judgemental but this bitch needs a slap. This is the kinda stuff thats keeping the Rona alive. Kids can’t go back to school but atleast this heffa got some. Sheesh!
His body is everything to me. I know you all love those six packed guys. I want to see his pecs bounce while I..nevermind. Let me calm it down.
Why do I know of him? Not him trying to serve trade! If he wasn’t colorist, whew I would wear his thick self OUT!
He’s a colorist? I have never seen him. Is he popular?
I guess, people will fuck anything these days! I got two words “Doo Doo”

He paints?!
He said in the video “it was a little messy but we still enjoyed eachother” that’s what that means
And he looks like he eats corn
I’m sure they were all white
Is he a pornstar?
I really don’t know him.
He spent 5 minutes talking about the risks, then at the end decided to take 3 big dicks smh…putting your love ones at risk for sum dick hmmm ok.
If he can do it and not worry about the next 14 days…more power to him.
I can’t do it. As much as I like a good double digit dick…I don’t want that good dick to be my last supper lol.
Nothing wrong with sex, but putting yourself and other people at unnecessary risk for a hookup suggests to me that you’re not a very bright person or that you’ve got some deeply rooted self esteem issues.
I also think that more bottoms need to practice “box preservation” tactics. Three dicks in a day screams eventual loose booty.
Baby that’s not self-absorbed, that’s INSECURITY and Self-loathing! He’s a cute guy, but something tells me maybe his slight husky-ness is an insecurity and fucking dudes validated him, I mean we all like sex but to go that promiscuous in a day, and your not a porn star, there’s usually deeper issues, jus my opinion
3 in a day? After one I’m good for a couple of months even a year. I don’t understand the gays and putting sex before your well being/ your life even.
He spent 5 fucking minutes talking about the risks, but then in the last minute…well you know fer sureeeee I had to do it and I took three big dicks in one day
This is news like really smh. I get it, we all get horny and coronavirus has slow some of us down. I guess you make a choice…being healthy or having your last supper (juicy wet dick) lol
I pick staying safe…Yes it’s hard, but when I see someone in the hospital with corona can’t breathe on the news.
I rather beat off, use a dildo and see another day!
Stay safe everyone
Did this mutha-
You really going back and forth between getting some probably average dick or keeping you and your FAMILY safe? This is exactly why we won’t ever get over this shit and whats so fucked up the reckless pass it on to the people who are doing all the measures to stay safe and DIE.
Curious. Is great dick worth exposing friends and family?
Your site’s not monetized?
^not at the current moment,
it needs to be asap.