he was feeling up that arm and i don’t blame that white man

it’s no secret that many white males love a big,
(in their) tail.

i mean,
we all do especially after a long and hard day.
this white wolf we all know looks like arms and biceps are his weakness.
what a coinky dink!
mine too!

i think he might have forgotten all lens are on him tho…

all jokes aside,
i totally get it.
he’s trying to secure that black vote away from trump.
if biden really wants to turn us on in november tho?

Stimmys for all!

straights get down on their knees and go to town on that voting booth.
new campaign slogan in the works?

#bidenforbiceps ?
#bicepsforbiden ?

lowkey: that black wolf looked like he was ready to risk it all too.