i was gearing up to dive into The Foxhole that morning.
some of you sent me some things that peaked my interest.
as i was about to sit down,
a loud banging shook my door.
peeking through the hole,
i saw a swarm of random white men.
that is never good.
“We have an emergency!
We’ll break the door down if no one answers.”
wtf is happening?
when i opened the door…
They tell me there’s a massive leak flooding my downstairs neighbor’s kitchen.
They need to open up my wall to fix it.

i didn’t have a leak so i’m like wtf is going on??
what are they even talking about?
turns out,
after they tore through my wall,
they found the culprit: a busted and deteriorating pipe.
They spent the entire day demolishing my walls and laying pipe…
…and not in the way I’d like.

my kitchen sink and cabinets are gone too.
they were them into the trash.
i went ape shit about that hole too—
i’m not about to host a rodent rave.

when they opened up the wall initially,
an army of six-legged creatures poured out,
making me want to scream bloody murder.
when they left,
they had my entire kitchen looking like a war zone.
they poured all the dirty ass water in my tub.
This whole situation legit fucked up the vibe in my crib.
…and the cherry on top?
whatever was behind that wall has my allergies in overdrive.
I pray that God will bless me for all these struggles I’m enduring.
lowkey: they just arrived to do more work.
What part of ny do you live in? Bc that seems like the apartment should be fixing everything and putting you in a hotel for your inconvenience especially if you can’t breathe it’s giving 311
Six legged? Allergies?
I smell a lawsuit!
Daaaammmmmm. On the flip side, it wasn’t the White Christian Nationalist Party and your apartment wasn’t the one flooded. God is good.